84 Chapter 76 - Piece of Paper (1/1)

Miyu took the dress, looked it up and down, and gave a thoughtful grin to Aina.


Miyu set the dress down on the bed and ordered Aina, ”Prepare a bath for me. Warm, but slightly cold. Put a few siraen flowers in it.”

Siraen flowers were cup-like flowers that were a deep purple with bright yellow centers. The flowers have a beautiful scent and helps with the skin. If you swallow it, the flower helps with the immune system and helps settle down an upset stomach.

Aina nodded and did as she was ordered.

When Aina left, Miyu walked towards a corner of the room and took a piece of wood out of the floor to reveal a small, pink box. She opened the latch and looked what was inside. It was a small piece of paper with crease lines, showing that the piece of paper was folded over and over again.

Miyu unraveled the paper to read the short message on it. A message to her from her very own mother.

Dear my little darling,

I just want you to know, don't take my death on your shoulders. I don't want any heavy weights on your hearts. I know that you'll miss me, I won't tell you to not miss me. But I promise, that over time you'll forget me a little bit every day. It's inevitable, so don't worry about it or be guilty.

Now, promise me a few things. Don't reveal your powers. I've told you this every single day of your life, and I want you to continue to do it every day of your life.

Next thing, don't try to start a fight. Go along with what you're told, even if it's embarrassing or if you don't want to do it. Be completely obedient.

Next thing, harness your powers. When your twenty three, I want you to leave the empire. Make yourself hidden. Don't let anyone know your true self. But don't leave beforehand.

Next promise, find a guardian. Find a very powerful one. The guardian will keep you in check, so you don't go around shouting how strong you are.

Lastly, don't go anywhere near the royal family. Avoid them as much as possible. They only bring trouble.

Thank you for being the blossom in my life, the sunshine in my sky, the nice breeze on my hot days. I love you till the ends of the world, Miyu. My baby girl. So, please, take care of yourself. And please forget me. I'm not a good representation of a mother, so forget my presence. Forget my whole being. But don't forget the promises, these things will lead you through your life, then to the next.

Love, your mothe