82 Chapter 74 - Kitten (1/2)
Ryota smiled and stopped squishing her cheeks, ”Now will you tell me how you are feeling?”
Ryota avoided looking at Miyu's body, thinking that even if he glances at one scratch it'll set him off.
Miyu smile back, twice as sweet, and responded lightly, ”Fine. I feel great!”
Ryota frowned at how happy she was, ”Great? You don't look great.”
He petted her head, pushing around her hair. She reminded him of a cat, who bared their fangs and then the next moment they struggle up to you. Miyu is his little cat.
When Miyu saw Ryota's daydreaming face, she had the urge to slap him. Why is he leaving her alone to his own fantasies?
She forced Ryota's hands off her and said, ”I'm fine, I promise. We need to talk.”
Ryota snapped back to reality with an sad heart, empty of Miyu-kittens, ”What is that you need?”
Miyu smiled when Ryota's focus finally came back to her, ”I want to learn how to do medicine. Like make pills.”
Ryota got up and went to one of her shelves, picking through the books that sat on it, ”Why do you want to learn?”
Miyu stuttered through her sentence while she watched Ryota look at the books with the perfect amount of morning sunlight hitting his face, making him look even more handsome, ”W-well... I wanted to learn how to heal myself, Arata, and you. So t-that way if any of us get hurt... I can help instead of sit around and do nothing.”