71 Chapter 65 - Deep Voice (1/2)
Ryota was in a fit of anger. Every new bruise that Ryota sees makes his red face take another notch. By the end of the healing session with Arata, Ryota's face was the color of red wine. It was not only red, it was dark with anger. Arata saw this and was a bit proud that Ryota didn't have an explosion of anger.
When they finished with Miyu, they laid her on her bed. Ryota slowly covered her with a blanket, all the way up to her chin. To Arata, he seemed like a young boy putting his innocent crush to sleep without her noticing him, it was so sweet that Arata almost choked on the sweetness. The bad part was, right after the sweetness Ryota turned around with rage in his eyes.
”Let's go,” Ryota said and walked away, not waiting for Arata.
Arata hurried after him and asked, ”Didn't you promise Miyu to not hurt her half side of her family?”
Ryota shook his head, ”She said not to come in to hurt them until they left the room. They left the room, so we have all the freedom to hurt them without getting Miyu's wrath.”
Arata nodded his head, ”Way to go, prince. Now we got a proper reason to hurt those sluts that beat our little angel.”
Kokoro, Kasumi and Hanae were all giggling and laughing on the couch. Kokoro just told a hilarious story about something that happened in a nearby city. She was traveling all over the empire and arrived at a small city near the coastline. What happened was that Kokoro cursed a lady who dared to call Kokoro a bitch. The next day, the poor lady went to talk to Kokoro once more, but when she got there a bird pooped on her head and the crowd that formed around them began to laugh and throw insults at the poor lady.
After giggling so much they were snorting, the family decided to lie down for the night. They went to their rooms, Kokoro outside, Kasumi to her grand bedroom, and Hanae to her little bit less grand bedroom right next to Kasumi's. Kasumi's and Hanae's were inside the mansion while Kokoro's were at the second garden.
They walked there, got ready, and hopped into bed. Hanae went quickly to sleep, Kasumi read some history books for school, and because Kokoro couldn't sleep, she drank some alcohol instead.
Kokoro was swirling her wine in a beautiful glass cup when she heard a swirling noise outside. It sounded like the wind, but it was howling with danger. Kokoro shrugged it off, thinking it was just a loud wind, and closed her window.
Hanae was a bit farther away from Kokoro's bedroom so she didn't see it, but Kasumi was a bit closer and heard the faint whistling sound of the wind. Worried, she lit a small lamp, using the candle that was already lit next to her bed on the bedside table, and got up. She walked out of her room and around the desolate house. The maids were already fast asleep in their quarters and her father was at the emperor's home to rest, being that he was quite connected with the emperor.
Kasumi was trembling as she walked down the dark and quiet hallways. She was rubbing her elbows with her hands, and the small lamp in her left hand began to tilt sideways, the melted wax spilling all over the floors.