66 Chapter 61 - Beggar (1/2)
Miyu sits down on her bed, sinking into the mattress. She gives out a long sigh before glancing over at Arata, who's sitting next to her and pouting.
Miyu leaned over to him and said, ”Arata, can you turn invisible if you want to stay? I don't want them to see you...”
Arata harrumphed and said, ”Fine, but I'll be just on your bed if you need me! OKAY?”
Miyu shook her head and gave him a silly smile, ”Yes sir!”
Arata grumbled under his breath, probably some curse words, before walking to the desk and disappearing.
Miyu laid down on the bed and played with her hair, trying to look innocent and carefree.
Miyu didn't get startled by the slam, instead she continued to play with her hair like it was the most important thing to her, which it was.
”Miyu!” screamed Kokoro, making the birds outside her window caw and fly away. Miyu looked questioningly at her step mother, looking like she doesn't know why she was angry.
Kokoro was a large woman, she had large hips, thick thighs, and a big chest. She had light brown hair that cascaded down her chest and reached her waist. Her bright black eyes were beady and small, making her have a more innocent look. Her eyes and lips point upwards, like she was always smiling, which at this moment she wasn't. Her face was dripping with what seemed to be sweat, but if you look more closely it's sweat AND the powder she uses to cover up her discolored face.
Kokoro was pretty, but she felt that it wasn't enough. She had to be the most beautiful, most extravagant person, always. She covered her face with flawless makeup, unless it was raining or hot, which it was hot today.
Miyu almost laughed at her makeup fail, but kept it to herself. She blinked her innocent eyes at Kokoro, ”What is wrong? Are you in pain?”
Kokoro laughed, ”Why would I be in pain?”
Miyu tilted her head and pointed at her own face, ”Around this area of the face, it's red for you. I was wondering if you got hurt...”