55 Chapter 51 - Heavens Above (1/2)

Kasumi was surprised when Ryota asked her to sing. When he asked, she was sipping some tea, and when he asked she began choking on the water. She coughed hard and tears began to fall out of her eyes. She looked up at him and saw that he was serious, so she said, ”Right now?”

Ryota shook his head, ”Do you want me to loose my interest?”

Kasumi was startled by his bluntness, but she was perfectly fine with singing randomly out in the open. She loved praises and she always got some whenever she sang in public. The only reason she was surprised is because the prince barely takes any notice of anybody, even less their talents. This was a good opportunity for her as the future empress.

She sipped some of the tea, cleared her throat, then began to sang. It was an old song, a song her mother used to sing to her when she was little. She was out of town for the moment, roaming the island.

She sang sweetly and melodiously, like a beautiful songbird,

”The leaves are falling around us all,

Child, child, the night has come.

The sun is leaving us and blue sky is gone,

Child, child, the night has come.

We cannot stop the night from coming,

but we can try to enjoy it's presence.

Because it is better to be in the moonlight,

then in the dark, by yourself, all alone.

Appreciate the moonlight for what it gives,