39 Chapter 35 - Devil (1/1)

Fujimura Miyu pouted on the ground. She felt embarrassed that she wanted him. Ryota was laughing like a fool, and she compared him to the devil.

She stood up and kicked him and punched him, which made him chuckle even more. Ryota didn't stop her, letting her have her way.

She stopped and glared at him. There was tears in his eyes from all the laughing. He grinned at her, ”Are you happy?”

Miyu continued to glare, ”No! Of course not! I never begged before, and you made a fool out of me for doing it!”

Ryota brushed her hair cut of her eyes, making her blush, ”Well, that's what you get. You made a fool out if me in front of my brother, so I made a fool out of you. By the way, why did you tell him about...”

Miyu flicked his forehead, ”Us?”

He rubbed it with a pained expression, ”If that's how you want to say it.”

Miyu separated herself from him, ”Well, he 'saved' me this morning from my sister, so I thought you told him. No one has tried to help me before, so I thought he was doing it out of respect for you. I guess I was wrong, he's probably just a nice person.”

Ryota shrugged, ”Or he wanted to get down with you. I mean, you're pretty and all. But don't cheat on me, I'm warning you.”

Miyu giggled, ”Aw, you're still jealous. Poor you.”

Ryota grumbled as he tried to fix his hair, ”Yeah, yeah. So, what did he help you with your sister?”

”Well, she woke me up in the middle of the night so she can to a hitting session. I was almost afraid that she was going to kill me. If she tried, I'd have to fight back, and then everyone would find out.”

Ryota stopped playing with his hair, ”Wait, so she went, in the middle of the night, to your room, and hurt you? Am I getting this right?”

”Something like that.”

Ryota jumped up and walked towards her quickly. He picked her up and started to tear off her clothes.

”W-wait! What are you doing?”

”Checking for any major injuries,” mumbled Ryota while he continued to tear off her night gown.

When she barely had anything in, just a little bit to cover her private parts, he began to inspect her body. She was cold from the frigid air around them, but when Ryota's hands touched her skin, she shivered.

Miyu was enjoying this until she heard a low growl come from Ryota.