36 Chapter 32 - Jealous (2/2)

”Hey! This one time, when Ryota was younger, he used to follow out father around all day. He brought a little notepad around with him and took notes. Whenever I asked him what he was writing about, he said he was taking notes on how to be an emperor. I felt so bad for him, having all that pressure on his shoulders. Father encouraged him to listen in on meetings or even listen in on trials to KILL someone! Ryota grew up to be a cold, malicious person, but on the inside he is just craving for a father's love. Also on the inside, he still has the essence of a child. He just wants to run around and be free.”

Miyu nods, ”I want to be free, too. That's why Ryota and I connect so well, we understand each other's goals and help each other reach them.”

Shin nods and steps up. He sits down next to her on her bed, ”Is he a good husband?”

Miyu shrugs, ”I don't really know. I mean, we aren't husband and wife yet, and I've never experienced any type of romantic relationship. I don't really know much.”

Shin smiles, ”I can tell you what makes a good husband.”

Miyu looks into his eyes, ”Then what? What truly makes a good husband?”

Shin pulls on one of her strands of hair, ”Well, first off, he has to be good in bed.”

Miyu blushes at his words.

Shin nears her face and whispers, ”Second, he has to be kind and understanding.”

Miyu nods.

Shin smiles, ”And lastly, he has to get jealous.”
