31 Chapter 27 - Lesson (1/1)
Fujimura Miyu exited the washing room. She had her hair wrapped in a towel while wearing a kimono on her bottom half. It was plain white, very simple. She didn't wear a towel because she was afraid that her sisters would prank her by tearing off her towel to show her body off to the world.
Miyu shivered at thought. She hopes that never happens.
She walked back to her room to dry her hair with her flame before going to sleep, curled up with Arata.
Miyu woke up when she felt someone strike her. She became defensive, grabbing the person's hand. She was about to hit the person when she saw that it was her elder sister. Miyu let go weakly and fell of the bed. She crumbled to the ground while shaking, pretending to cry. Through the arms that Miyu covered her face with, she saw that Kasumi was smiling evilly from ear to ear.
”See! Stop being so arrogant when you can't fight back! Hahaha!”
Kasumi screeched like an owl as she began to hit Miyu once again. Miyu glanced out the window between hits. She saw that it wasn't morning yet but the dark sky was beginning to get lighter. Miyu smiled on the inside as she began to provoke Kasumi. Miyu started to kick Kasumi, which made Kasumi fall straight on the ground, butt first.
Kasumi's face turned red from a mixture of anger and embarrassment. She couldn't believe a weakling like Miyu was able to kick her down!
Kasumi got up quickly and kicked Miyu again, trying to save some dignity. This went over and over again, Kasumi hitting and Miyu pushing Kasumi down. When Miyu glanced out the window once more she saw that day has begun and the sky was now a light yellow. Miyu cried out, loudly, Alerting some maids that were already working outside.
The maids didn't know of Kasumi's bullying, so they were confused about the crying. The maids crowded around Miyu's door, afraid to go in. One brave maid went up to the door and knocked, ”Lady Miyu, are you alright?”
Kasumi's face paled when she heard the maid's voices. She looked between Miyu and the door, wondering what to do. She did the only thing she could do.
Kasumi opened the door.
The doctors nearly fell on top of each other, trying to get to the First Prince. They all lined up to kiss his hand and say their graces. Ryota cringed inwardly every time someone's lips touched his hands, but he showed a straight face throughout the blessing. When everyone was finished they stood in a line against the wall, waiting for Ryota.
The doctors were happy when a royal came to their medicine center, but grew anxious when Ryota didn't speak. They were already drowning in their own sweat, which made Ryota happy. More than happy, ecstatic! Ryota did not like schemers who tried to get more than they have with underhanded ways. You need to earn your gain, like Ryota did. Being a heir isn't based by birth, it's based by the emperor's choice. So, Ryota worked hard to get that title. He earned that title. These doctors didn't earn the money they earned. Now it's time for Ryota to teach them a lesson.