21 Chapter 18 - Room (1/1)

Nakada Ryota drags Fujimura Miyu to his bedroom in the palace. He turns left and right till he arrives at his room, which is on the opposite side of the palace from the training field. Ryota feels like an excited little boy at the moment. He could tell from his father's movements, not emotions, movements, that his father was satisfied with his choice for a wife. His father liked how powerful Miyu was but Ryota could also tell that he was upset that he doesn't know her identity. He knows he can't tell his father, but when he saw his pitiful stance while he was watching them fight, he knew that his father was upset.

When Ryota arrived at the front of his door, he finally turned around. He saw Miyu, who was holding onto his hand for guidance, and with her other hand she was pressing it against her forehead. She looked dizzy, like she just ran millions of miles. Worried, Ryota inched closer to her, ”Hey, are you okay? Did you use too much power?”

Miyu pouts and slaps his shoulder, ”I'm tired from our little fight, princeling. I'm tired from you dragging my body around this stupid palace.”

Ryota grins, ”I can drag you to the bed if you'll like. It's more comfortable there.”

Miyu didn't even blink at his comment, which made him a little sad. He pushed his feelings away and opened the door. He lifted his hands, ”Welcome to my room!”


Miyu walked into his room gracefully, prepared to see riches upon riches upon riches. But there wasn't any riches to see, it seemed more like a soldiers room. There was weapons littered on the ground and stands everywhere with glistening armor hung on them. A large bed was in the corner of the large room, the sheets disheveled with leftover clothes on it. The whole place was a mess, but Miyu felt right at home.

Ryota rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, ”I'm sorry that it's messy, I wasn't really planning to bring you to my room today. But here you are!”

Miyu cocked her head as she admired the prince. When she looked at him, she remembers the words he said just a few seconds ago outside the door. She blushed inwardly, but she didn't want to show Ryota her embarrassment. Who wouldn't want to hop in the sheets with a handsome prince like Ryota? But she knew he would have no feelings whatsoever about it, and that it would be a HUGE mistake if she ever got in the bed with him, so she decided against it.

Miyu picked up a sword on the ground and rubbed her hands against it, ”Why did you bring me here, my prince?”

Ryota sighs as he hops onto a chair in the corner, ”Stop calling me 'my prince' and stuff like that. Call me Ryota.”

Miyu looked up and grinned, ”Call me Hood and then I'll do it. No 'sweetie' or 'wifey' or anything like that.”

Ryota pouted, ” But I like calling you wifey.”

Miyu shrugged, ”I like calling you princeling.”

Ryota huffed, ”Fine, you can call me princeling as long as I can call you wifey. Deal?”

Miyu lifted a hand, ”Deal.”

Ryota lifted his hand and they shook on it. Miyu liked the way his hands feel. Soft, yet hard. He had smooth skin but she could feel the hardness of his palm from the use of gifts and weapons. Their hands separated, far too soon for Miyu, and Ryota went back to business. He stood up and walked to a large table in the middle of the room. He took out a large map of the empire and looked up at her, ”Let's do some strategy. Shall we?”