8 Chapter 7 - Future Wife (2/2)

Miyu grinned under her cloth, ”Yes, let's put our bets to the side and then we can begin.”

Miyu is ecstatic, 'this is a great way to get more money for my escape!'

They lay their bets to the side and walk a few steps away from each other. The messenger counts down and when he finishes, he immediately attacks. He uses air again and tries to force Miyu to fall down. But not even a hair on her hair moved. The messenger and frowned but decided to run and fight her with water. He runs straight at Miyu but she doesn't move a single muscle. She just stands there waiting, while the messenger runs at her. When he's a few feet away she lifts her hand up. The water flowing around the messenger immediately is taken over by Might and surrounds the messenger's feet and ties him to the ground. The messenger trips and falls face first into the dirt. Miyu walks over to him and uses Earth to tie his hands to the ground. The messenger is stuck on the ground, and everytime he struggles the shackles tighten. Miyu walks slowly to him, taking her time. She crouched down next to his head before whispering,

”Do you surrender?”


After their meeting, the empress ran home to her son. She stomped into the scroll room after a maid told where he was and yelled,

”I've found you wife!”

Ryota swiveled around and rose his eyebrows, ”What now?”

Kouki grinned, ”There was a powerful woman in 'The Little Lotus' bar and I'm going to meet her again next week! You must come with me!”

As Kouki began to chatter on about all the details, Ryota began to wonder, 'Who is this mysterious woman?'

When Kouki informed him that they mystery woman's name is Hood he got up from his chair and walked out of the room. Kouki got frightened with his sudden movement but soon recovered and followed Ryota out. He walked towards the guards at the front gate and told them,

”Find me the woman named Hood. It's not her real name. She is a powerful woman, so be careful. Make sure you find her, and do everything in your power. Make flyers for the people, get spies go look, everything. I need this woman alive.”

The guards nodded their heads but Kouki was shocked, ”Are you going to kill her?”

Ryota frowned, ”I'm just trying to find my future wife.”