6 Chapter 5 - Embarrassing (1/1)

Prince Ryota leaves the matter alone, planning to investigate it later, and looks at the rest of the family.

”Thank you for your time.”

The Fujimura family bow to the prince and watch as he enters his carriage and rides away. Once he's a good distance away, father turns towards Fujimura Miyu to scold her.

”That was the first prince, the heir! Did you have to embarrass yourself? You're so stupid!”

Father massages his head, looking like he has a major headache. Miyu drops her head, pretending to be embarrassed, when really she's pleased. She likes seeing her horrible father in such pain. He's never done anything to help her well being, so why does she?

Fujimura Kasumi walks over to pat father's back, ”It is okay, she is just a shy child. She'll learn to be more social one day.”

Father looks at Kasumi thankfully before regaining his posture. He orders Kasumi to perfect her water gift better and to get higher than Spiritual Low for water, which is still high for such a young woman. Miyu is at God-Like Intermediate, almost at the breaking point at High. Fujimura Hanae is at Naturalist Intermediate, above average but not as high as Kasumi. Kasumi also has the highest grades in school, the perfect young woman for marriage. She has already gotten many requests, but is waiting for one from the royal palace from the first prince. All fathers choose their children's spouse except for royalty, the children are allowed to choose. They have to hit marriageable age first, of course, but they still get to choose. Prince Ryota says he's waiting for the right woman, but many believe he's just waiting for Kasumi.

Miyu embarrassingly walks to the garden, where she is met with one of the most beautiful smells that Miyu knows. There are two sections, flowers and food. The flowers section has various types of patterns, shapes, colors, scents, textures, everything! Each flower seems to have it's own personality. The food section has a combination of vegetables and fruits, ranging from different types of cabbages to watermelons.

Miyu ties her hair up and grabs an apron that is hung next to the doorway. The garden is outside, but has a large fence surrounding it and the only entrance and exit is inside the manor. A cold wind rustles the plants, making the hot air go away for a second to let Miyu relax. She takes a shovel left leaning on the wall and begins to weed and take care of the garden. She begins to sing that flows with the rhythm of her shovel. Many guardians float around her soon after, joining her in song. Arata also comes, but doesn't sing, probably thinking that he's too cool for that. Miyu laughs as one of the guardians in a shape of a rabbit that had hopped over the fence, she doesn't know how but it did, dug it's nose into her shoe. Miyu dropped her shovel into the dirt and crouched down to pick up the small rabbit and nuzzled her nose onto the bunny's. Arata grumbled, feeling jealous, and Miyu giggled some more. She picked up the grumpy white fox and tossed him in the air, making Arata jolt. He begins to curse at Miyu which made her toss the fox even more. But she soon stopped, hearing quick heavy footsteps heading towards where Miyu is standing right now. She shushes away the guardians, asking them to hide.

Kasumi marches up to Miyu and knocks her in the head with her fist. It was a weak punch, but Miyu pretended that she was feeling hell at the moment. She knelt to the ground and gave out a groan of pain. Kasumi grinned, satisfied.

”Why did you embarrass me in front of the prince? The only thing he'll remember is your st-st-stuttering!” Kasumi yelled, pretending to stutter.

Miyu didn't respond and continued to kneel on the ground, clutching her head. Kasumi became so mad with her ignorant retarded half sister that she kicked Miyu right in the head. Miyu fell down to the ground, a small heap surrounded by the dirt. Once again, Miyu was pretending, letting Kasumi think that she has the upper hand. Kasumi was strong in gifts, but her actual strength was weak. She wouldn't even be able to hurt a kitten with that kick.

Kasumi harrumphed, done with her 'bullying' session, and exited the garden. Miyu waited a couple seconds before standing up easily and brushing off the dirt. She gets right back into her gardening, like she it was never interrupted at all.

Arata comes back to her shoulder, fuming.

”I wish I could show her smug face just how strong you really are, ” Arata mumbles, swishing his tail back and forth irritably.

Miyu grins, ”Want to let out some steam?”

Arata raised an eyebrow, ”How?”


Prince Ryota arrived home safe and sound, but curious. He rushed into the scrolls room that had all the Lord's and royal family lines. He looked at the Fujimura family tree and turned even more confused. 'How could Miyu have no powers when her father was very strong and her mother had a few weak powers? That's very odd, she should've gotten at least one weak power.'

He went to another section of the scroll rooms for the crystal ball readings. There are specially made crystal ball that when you place your hand on it, it will tell you your powers. When Ryota pressed his hand against the ball, it turned red, white, a light blue, and a dark blue. Every ball reading is written down, so Ryota searched for Miyu's. There was nothing documented under her name, so Ryota grew even more suspicious. He thought about forcing he to touch a ball to see the truth, but that is impossible. A message will only show up if the owner of the hand is willing, so he has to convince her to touch the ball, but how?