190 Chapter 190: Wedding day 1 (1/2)
Even though he already had an idea with what's going on between his granddaughter and Charlie, grandpa Chang still couldn't believe his eyes.
His beloved granddaughter who treat boys as her mortal enemies will act all coy and lovey dovey with Charlie.
She was clearly swept by his charms.
He have heard of the rumors about the casanova son of Wesley Kang.
He called his butler and asked him to make two extra invitations.
”Don't let my granddaughter know.”
He strictly commanded the butler. He went to his bed and picked up a picture frame.
”She's all grown up.”
He gently whispered, talking to himself while looking at the photo of a young girl smiling proudly at him as she held a gun and a bullseye shooting target.
The next day, he pretended that he wasn't aware about anything, he was eating his breakfast when TP walked to his side.
”Grandpa I'm going out. My best friend's wedding is today.”
”Best friend? Do you mean Tian-Tian?”
Grandpa Chang was shocked to hear the news. He knew Tia because TP and his daughter would often talk about her.
And she sometimes drop by and visits his daughter Ivy.
”Alright, you take care....