174 Chapter 174: Through the fire and flames 6 (1/2)

Perverted Romance poppydusk 14510K 2022-07-22

(Warning: this chapter contains gore and might not be suitable for other readers. You've been warned.)


A handsome bespectacled man was sitting in a leather sofa.

He was in a pitch dark room and only the light from the television illuminates the place.

His clothes were covered in blood and he had a grim look on his face as he watched the TV.

The story about the explosion in BYTE Empire were all over the news.

The Lee group of companies who owns the BYTE empire had held a press conference about the incident.

Many were speculating that it was a terror attack and the reporters flocked outside the company as they interview the employees.

Everyone wanted to have any piece of information and have their own exclusive reports.

The spokesperson of BYTE empire addressed the issue.

They claimed that it was a faulty wiring and not as exaggerated as terror attack.

They told everyone that only two people had suffer a minor injury  to not scare the public and other employees.

The Lee family had taken measure in covering up the incident.

The bespectacled man loudly laughed as he heard the news.

His laughter resonated across the room. Then he looked at the whining man lying under his feet.

He stomped the man hard in his stomach and blood spurted out of his mouth.

He was playfully holding a white queen wooden chess piece.

”Its your pawn first, next time it will be you.”

He said then he chucked the chess piece inside the mouth of the man lying helplessly under his feet.

The man choked and he tried to spit out the chess piece out of his mouth.