170 Chapter 170: Through the fire and flames 2 (1/2)

Kenny held his breath. His eyes were all watery and hurting from the smoke but he didn't mind it at all.

All he cared about is Mei Chen.

He kept thinking that he needs to get Mei Chen to safety.

He must save her. He wouldn't know what he will do if he lose her.

He remembered her crabby attitude from that morning and regretted that he didn't stay.

He should've been more pushy and greedy and just let her now how he feels about her.

With the little strength that's left in him he miraculously carried her out of the office.

The rescuers hurriedly ran to him and assessed them both.

As soon as he handed Mei Chen to the responders he immediately collapsed.

Ian and Tia together with his parents were just about to have lunch when Ian received a call.

At first he thought it was Kenny again, he was about to ignore it but when he saw that the call was from his security team he immediately answered.

After he hang up he looked at Tia who was busily cutting a grilled fish meat.

”Tian-Tian, I need to get back to the city.”

He said calmly. Tia and Elia both looked at him dubiously.

Ian may act all calm and collected but the women in his life both knew him too well.