147 Chapter 147: Surprise 2 (1/2)

Perverted Romance poppydusk 13590K 2022-07-22

Tia laughed at how worrywart Ian was. She can't believe how exaggerated he was thinking.

She's swooned that he treated her so nicely but he's too damn over protective so she wanted to tease him a little.

”Don't be silly, I'm really fine. I'm used to this okay. I'm strong. I'm not that easy to break.”


”No. I want us to have lots of cute little babies okay.”

”by a lot, you mean two right?”

Ian asked as he gulped down, he was thinking that Tia would have to be in pain for a total of 18 months and he's not sure if he can survive seeing  Tia struggle not once but twice.

”No. I want 5!!!”


Tia excitedly replied as she show Ian her hand, her finger spread wide and she's giggling with how shocked Ian looked.

He thought that two is enough. That's his limit.

But Tia wanted five. How can he even live through that.

Tia gave Ian a lingering kiss on his lips. She really find him so adorable and cute when he's acting all flustered and clueless.

”How come you've become so submissive to me. Who are you? Give me back my dominating cool and aloof CEO.”  She teasingly said.

Ian licked his lips and he instantly tasted the sweet blend of ginger and honey.

”I'm your husband.”

He replied then kissed Tia's soft lips. He really find Tia extra sexy when she's being playful.

Their tongues intertwine as Ian's hands roam around her body.

Tia gasped for air. Then she whispered to Ian's ear.

”I can't. Do you want me to use my hand?”