140 Chapter 140: Paris 3 (1/2)
TP looked closely at the painting. She was so sure that the girl on the lake was Tia.
The resemblance was uncanny if not for the mole under the model's eye.
Charlie examined the painting as well.
”I'm not quite sure. Does sister in law had some modeling sideline?”
He randomly asked. TP looked at him incredulously.
”What the fuck are you talking about? You're stupid! I don't want to talk to you.”
TP took a picture of the portrait and with the use of an app she removed the mole in the painting.
Then she showed the result to Charlie.
”See! I told you she looks like Tia! There's no doubt about it!”
She exclaimed. She knew she's right. She had known Tia for as long as she remember that she wouldn't mistake her for anyone else.
Charlie poutingly looked at the portrait.
”How will I know what sister in law would like when I don't even have the guts to look at her.”
TP dubiously looked at him after hearing what he said. Then she sarcastically asked.
”Why? Do you have a crush on her?”
”WTF?!!!! of course not! I mean I can't look directly at her cause whenever I do, that fucktard will always give me his death glare I feel like I'm being skinned alive!”
Charlie explained. Whenever he accidentally look at Tia, he will instantly feel a cold deadly aura creeping around him. Its as if the grim reaper is ready to take him.
He then also took a photo of the painting and shared the photo to Ian via messenger.
'Fucker looks like sister in law has a fan named Brandon Zhou. Check this out.'
He captioned. A few minutes later he received a reply from Ian.