122 Chapter 122: Baby 1 (1/2)

Ian let out a deep sigh. He thought that he dould finally find out who's behind his abduction but it seems that they were back to square one.

Tia saw the disappointment in Ian's face so she quietly consoled him.

Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door. It was Erina calling them for lunch.

Ian pushed Andy's wheel chair and the three of them headed to the dining area.

The dining room is quite large with a wooden long table which was full of almost all kinds of Japanese food.

Pork katsu, japanese curry, shrimp and veggie tempuras, sushi and maki rolls and yakisoba.

Tia drool as she looked at the scrumptious meal before her eyes.

All of them are her favorites. It was the only thing that she and her Brother Andy have in common. They both love Japanese food.

Andy wheeled himself towards the end of the table and Erina with their twins sat on his right side while Tia and Ian both took a seat at the left flank.

It was the first time Tia saw her Brother Andy's twin baby girls and she can't help but gush with how cute the babies are.

”Brother Andy, you're babies are so lucky that they take after their mom. Oh, they are so fortunate that they are both pretty and cute.”


Tia teased. The twins were identical and indeed almost look exactly like their mom.

Andy rolled his eyes then retorted.