9 None Shall Pass (1/2)

One month later, a battle group consisting of two Imperial-I Star Destroyers came out of hyperspace at the edge of the Naboo System. They belonged to an Imperial Remnant, they were attempting to invade and rally on the planet that was once the Emperor's Birthworld.

”Sir, scan-com is picking up a Super Star Destroyer over the planet. It's the Guardian... However we're not recognizing the transponder code. What are your orders, Sir?” The newly promoted Cadet asked the Captain of the Hellion.

”Hm... What's its current action, Ensign?” The Captain barked as he walked over towards the viewport of the Hellion. His eyes narrowing at the sight from afar. There were at least a dozen other star destroyers in the system. Yet as if they were waiting for an attack or enemies to reveal themselves, they were outgoing ignoring the entrance of the remnant battle group.

”Inaction, sir. However we've also noticed unidentified star fighters on patrol. They're reminiscent of our own ties sir,” The ensign informed as he walked up behind the Captain and remained there with his hands folded behind his back and an erect posture.

The Captain paused for a few moments as he watched several unknown destroyers appear and disappear patrolling in a circle motion within the planetary system. ”It's a trap! Raise the Alarm! This is not a drill!” The Star Destroyer group began turning around upon his command. ”All hands, prepa–”

Suddenly heavy turbolaser clashed against the Hellion's outer hull. Hyperdrive immediately beingdisabled by the weapons fire. It was the same with its sister ship in the same battle group.

”Damage report!”

”The the hyperdrive has been disabled! The shields are shutting down, sir!” One of the officers cried out as their station began to spark and explode. Sending the officer across the room, spiraling through the air before smacking into an adjacent wall.

”The shields!? How is that possible?” The Captain marched over towards one of the main operations terminals of the vessel and stared at it. On the very screen he was gazing upon, there was little duck like creatures marching across it, winking at the viewer.

He stared at the screen for several minutes. ”Launch all fighters! Show our enemies thebell–” He was cut off as a hole blasted through the back of the command tower. Air and people began getting sucked out of the bridge until the blast doors closed and trapped them on that section.

The Captain laid there on the ground as he had held onto a nearby handle to stop himself from being sucked out into space. ”Ensign!” He called out and glanced over towards the young man who had originally reported to him.

He was dead, his head bashed in from being sent into a nearby wall on his way towards the door.

”Shit...” He looked towards a Lieutenant who pulled themself out of the pit and walked over towards the Captain. Helping him up onto his feet and over towards the command strip.


”The Hangar has been destroyed. Only twenty TIEs were able to launch,” The Lieutenant was able to report, before stumbling to the side as the neighboring Star Destroyer combusted. Enemy weapons were ripping through its hull like butter without its shields. Kinetic and Thermal damage was observed at a quick glance.

”Sir, they're using chiss weaponry!” One of the weapons officers reported who was watching out the window on the starboard side.

The Captain's lips spread into a fine frown. ”We've been betrayed...?”

”Sir, the atmosphere on board is being vented! We have to abandon ship!” One of the officers wailed and began running towards the blast door. Pushing a button, they were unable to override it, and turned to look over at the captain.

”The only way off the ship is to use the maintenance hatch, but that could be damaged as well. We're trapped in here.” The Captain informed his crew regrettably. People generally gave up, while some tried to find a way out of it.