4 Choices (1/2)
To Interfere, or not to Interfere? That was the question.
The Galactic Empire was scrambled and hastily coming together all across the known galaxy. For this time he briefly understood where they were, who they were be commanded by, and where they were going to go.
He was half in the right mind to completely crush the remaining Imperial forces which were hidden in various nebulae across the galaxy. There were also other remnants which refused to follow Gallius Rax.
He knew he could do it, as long as he was able to jam their communications and leave their so called Fleet Admiral in the dark. Either that, or he could simply turn around and destroy the Fleet Admiral and assume command of the rest of the Remnants after removing Sloane from power. Yet at the same time, he felt as if this wouldn't work out in his favor. Should he grow too quickly, the New Republic which was just coming out of the woodworks, would see him as a threat. That was the last thing he needed, another war so soon.
Tobias generally knew of his plans to purge the roots of his new order, but at the same time, he knew that Rax would perish at the Battle of Jakku at the hands of Rae Sloane in three months.
Bey, Organa andCalrissian had left the Guardian an hour after Iden and Del decided to join the Imperium instead of the Alliance. On the other hand, The Queen of Naboo decided to stay on board a bit longer.
She had just been engaged to an Imperial Grand Moff. Her entire life had changed not once, but two, in one day. While she knew the planet of Naboo would align with the New Republic, she only had three months left until her term was up and the year was over.
By now her head of Naboo Royal Security Forces, Korro, would have made his way onto the super star destroyer and found himself standing in the doorway of the office he had been escorted to. The two officers who had been escorted him to the office, bowed their heads in courtesy and quickly absconded with themselves, quick to be unseen.
”Captain Korro,” Queen Sosha Soruna addressed his arrival.
”Your Highness,” He asked as she looked at the Naboo Monarch with a look of confusion written all over his face. A brow raised, his lips pursed. She was sitting beside the Grand Moff of an Imperial Warship. ”Why are you still here?”
She didn't seem like she was being forced to stay, nor did it seem like she was being held hostage. She had this blank smile across her face as if she was in deep thought.
She let out a sigh seeing him trying to read what was going on, Sosha would smile at him. ”Grand Moff Rune has offered protection of the Naboo System for three months against Imperial Invasions.” She said in a confidant and stern tone, which many of Queens were known for using during their Reign. ”In return for my hand.”
Sitting across from the two of them however were two individuals who had recently helped the ground forces against Imperial stragglers who attempted to overthrow the capital of Theed. Iden and Del turned in the office chairs and gazed over at Korro who had addressed the Queen. However they quickly dismissed his presence and turned to look forward towards the Moff.
The Captain looked towards the Moff who was giving the man a once over before turning his attention towards the Imperial Agents in front of him. ”My Queen, you ca...” He was cut off by her raising her hand, a frown suddenly adorning her face at his opposition.
Security Heads are always protective of their Queens. Though Korro could admire the fact that she would 'sacrifice' herself to a Moff to protect her people, even after her term was going to end in three months. Though seeing as the Imperial Military Governor wished to protect Naboo for the sake of the Queen, he was rather curious in the man's interest in the teen Monarch.
Without much of a warning, a hologram of the Moff's Adjacent appeared on the desk. ”Sir, we're receiving another transmission from the Super Star Destroyer 'Ravager' under the command of Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax. Would you like me to keep blocking his hails?”
Tobias had met this man once since his service to the Empire began, and his impression of the man wasn't good nor bad. Yet he knew the man's ambitions and what he planned on doing.
Letting out a slightly aggravated growl, ”We'll answer it this time.” He narrowed the projectors view so that only he would be seen. This would allow the others to be unseen and anonymous.