2 Charges (1/2)
An hour after the cleanup operations began around the planet of Naboo, in orbit and planet side, the Restoration and Guardian docked with one another to begin talks.
They stood in a conference room of the Coreship, convinced that it wasn't a trap to acquire a handful of the Republic's finest. The room was square with rounded edges, it a clearview of the planet.
At the largest chair with its back to the window, was the man claiming to be a leader of a Splinter Government called the Imperium. Tobias Rune sat there with one ankle crossed over his knee, a tea cup in his hand, and a saucer on the table before him.
An unhappy looking Queen sat beside him, still dressed in her royal security force pilot getup, stared towards her friends whom were on the other side of the table.
Lando Calrissian, Leia Organa and Shara Bey were standing on the other side, not exactly looking like they were going to sit down anytime soon. ”You say you're a splinter government, do you think you'll be unable to be charged with war crimes when this is all over? Do you think you will go free?” Lando spoke with a dominant tone with a charismatic tongue.
”Are you going to charge defectors who had committed atrocities against the people of the Galaxy?” Unlike Lando's dominant tone, Tobias spoke in a casual one, remaining rationale for the time being. His entire expression being almost stoic, but his eyes were like sharp daggers. ”How about those that had killed thousands of Alliance soldiers?”
Lando's eyes narrowed on the man. He had a point at least that they weren't going to charge all the Imperials. They weren't going to charge most of the defectors either since they would end up in the war front. Making deals was what the Republic had to do to be revived and restored.
”Are you defecting to the Republic?” Lando asked with a cheeky expression on his face as he saw a tinge of annoyance on the Imperial's face.
Leia Organa simply stood there, sifting out his feelings that he wasn't suppressing.
”I haven't committed atrocities against the Galaxy or its people, I've only ever enforced local laws in my governance over my assigned sectors,” He stated as he leaned forward with his hands clasped together now after putting the tea cup down on the saucer.
Sosha glanced over at him, he wasn't lying. If anything before anyone just found out about him being able to use the force, he appeared to be a high ranking paper pusher with guns. Yet he never threatened planetary governments, he even sent funding to local law enforcement agencies while lessening planetside garrisons.
His security on planets was mainly naval in comparison to all of the others.
Even Princess Leia knew from intelligence gathered information that the man known as Tobias Rune was a liberal, a man who gave people liberties and sacrificed handfuls of imperial values to do so. After he obtained the Office of a Grand Moff, a military governor of an oversector, he created a permit system that allowed peaceful protesting in certain areas.
Picket signs, protests, boycotts and rallies. As long as there was no violence or disturbance to the peace, Rebels could rally under unarmed supervision. Though this seemed to go against Tarkin's Doctrine of Fear, these were the waning years of the Galactic Empire. They couldn't focus on a singular Moff who seemed to be a man for the people.
Yet it was clear that even though he was a good man, many systems and even whole sectors wouldn't want to be under Imperial rule. The question was, what would he do with his little splinter group?
”Will you agree to an extended armistice?” Leia suddenly spoke up, blowing Lando out of turn.
The Grand Moff simply looked at her with a brow raised without much change to his expression. ”I'll agree to a temporary protectorate status with the plant of Naboo for Three Months, act as their naval security against Imperial invasion forces. In that time I will be feeding the New Republic with information of Imperial Tactics and further Imperial plans from this point.”