76 Unravel 5 - Deal with the Devil (1/2)

While Stigma was facing a grim future, he was unaware that from his late actions, a hidden goal had been reach from the shadows.

And the mastermind behind it, was currently walking down a long hallway with a wide grin. For whatever reason was behind the smile, only the owner would only know.

Despite strolling through a hallway, there was no visible signs of the surrounding walls as they were shrouded with red curtains. What illuminated the way were ghostly blue like fire called will 'o'wisps floating by the sides of the curtains and in the air.

Each time he made a step, the sound of his footsteps echoed the hall, with a low but mesmerizing humming followed by the sound of a finger snapping behind the rhythm[1].

If one listened to the echo like melody in the air, they would be a slave to the rhythm.

If a child listened, they would be tempted to fall asleep, a woman would be charmed from the jazz like tune and go into a hypnotic like trance while a man would be forced to feel out of place.

Once the footsteps ceased, so did the humming, but it only meant the individual had reached his destination and stopped in front of a double door, which was tall enough to reach the invisible ceiling.

Without even using his hands, the doors made way for him and revealed a wide room illuminated by the same blue fire.

The room itself was circular and had the same red curtains on its walls, from the ceiling hanged meter sized will o wisp that illuminated the way in a circular manner, with smaller ones floating around the room like fire flies.

The floor was made of stone and a red carpet with golden linings lead to the center of the room, yet nothing stood out when one stood at the entrance, but the individual continued without care towards his destination - the center.

From there, a pedestal was positioned on top made of marble and was carved like a stout demon with a potbelly, supporting a dish on his head that was larger than its own body.

On the bowl was what could only be described as a black mass that was no larger than a meter, dancing on the golden plate with the ghostly lights surrounding it - like fireflies.

Yet, the fire did not give off any form of light and only the surrounding blue fire light illuminated their surroundings.

But the image of the fire became clear when one looked close enough at the supposed raging flames, yet the scene could only be described as a blood freezing image when it entered their view and would cause an lasting nightmares from gazing at it for far too long.

Unlike the beautiful red and orange hue or the spellbinding ghostly blue light, the fire on the flat pot could be described as a 'moving' black, fluid-like cloud, or a violent torrent of darkness than a fire burning with life.

Constantly dancing from an unknown force, keeping itself alive and contained to not spread.

When the individual stepped closer to the center of the room, a bone chilling scene could be seen from what made up the flames.

As the flame in question danced in the flat plate, human like faces are seen endless changing their expression in the fire. Whether the faces were crying from pain, agony or the like, only the individual knew and did not care as he smiled at it.

What was most frightening about it, was that no cries could not be heard, unless one stepped close enough. Their screams could only be described as hollow and irritating, but being in poorly lit room only made the encounter ever so terrifying.

When the individual finally got close to the flames, hands started to stretch out from the black mass that tried to claw and seize at whatever came near them and pull them inside, releasing a black steam as the hands moved in the air.

Unfortunately, the individual was well aware of the difference in strength and feared nothing from the mass as he merely laughed from the pointless struggle.

From the individual's point of view, the black mass of cloud was merely, a cage, trapping any sound from escaping or any hope from emerging.

And from the torrent of expressions along with the frenzied struggle, the individual only continued his wide grin and spoke with glee as he looked up the high ceiling.

”Fuffuffuffuffu, it would seem that Sir is growing not only from battles, but from experiencing fortunate encounters. But to think he would find Cultivator souls of this level and in such a short time, a promising master indeed. He even absorbed a number of beast from using someone else as bait, truly a wonderful ploy, Dear Sir. Fuffuffuffuffu. He truly deserves my Demonic Knowledge and my attention. Maybe I should increase his reward to motivate him, Fuffuffuffuffu, I cannot wait!!!!”

With both arms raised in the air, the individual screamed to the top of his lungs with joy.

When the individual stared back at the pedestal, one of the floating blue light had flown close to his face and from the illumination, it was revealed to be none other than the Demon residing in Stigma's soul - the Little Black Imp showing his toothy grin.

As Demon got closer to the black mass, he ignored the cries of help and merely brushed his hand upon the surface, then laughed with dark humor when the hands receded out of fear and revealed weeping expressions inside the black cage.

”Fuffuffuffuffu! I do hope Sir returns soon.....Ah, I want to congratulate him with the fruits of his labor, and with my little 'gift'. He will rise to greater height's. Fuffuffuffuffu!!!!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!.....Please return soon Dear Sir! I cannot wait for your return and provide you with my dark knowledge!!!!!! May you can reach, the pinnacle of the world!!!!!!Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!”

With his maniacal laughter echoing in the air, a dark future laid to whoever stood in his way.

And unknown to Stigma, the next time he were to Cultivate and enter his inner world to meet the Demon Imp, he would be faced with an encounter that would bring envy to even the greatest of empires.

And may have the world gaze at him, with fear.


Just as the Black Imp was preparing for Stigma's arrival, plans were being made for yesterdays incident and was being reviewed about the danger it possessed.


Although the earthquake incident had only happened recently, Stigma still found the entire event remarkable. Not from the degree of chaos and panic it produced, but by how Emily was able to handle the crisis then concluded it within a short amount of time.

From those factors, Stigma became aware and envied Emily's courage along with admiration for her keen judgement during a crisis.

If it were to happen in his previous life, children in the same age group including himself would be emotionally rattled from the sudden danger and would turn to someone else for leadership.

But even if they had practiced on such scenarios, panic would always be the usual response to the sudden unfamiliar danger.

Nevertheless, Stigma was far more concerned of how affected the masses were to the earthquakes rather than the chaos, and what action were taken to resolve future riots.

Thankfully, Stigma's worry was unnecessary.

When Stigma was escorted to his new residence last night, a number of guards were seen performing their individual task without complaint or worry as he walked away.

Though unaware of Emily's plan, Stigma found that it had been successful, as there were no signs of riots forming from the following morning.

By their actions alone, it only provided evidence on how these men trusted Emily's judgement despite the age difference.

As such, Stigma along with Felix had believed the authenticity of Emily's news as she reported, but both Cultivators were alarmed once they broke down the main issue of each information given.

Though exhausted from working overnight, Emily did not mince words or gave a vague conversation and told everything when needed.

The first news was related to the following days and about their individual roles.

”As mentioned before, the market had experienced a time of turbulence and with Stigma believing a third party was involved in the shadows. Lady Emily did not take any chances from the hidden danger with the evidence and testimony present, so an investigation was made last night when both of you left.” - Lara

”What did you find?” - Felix

”A promising lead, I need Sir Felix's party to break into smaller groups to investigate in some areas in the forest, we found tracks on what we can assumed to be a hideout of the perpetrators related to the incidents. They may have left some clues and traps, so please tread carefully.” - Emily

”What should I do? Join in the investigation?” - Stigma

”No, Young Master Stigma will act separate and will be tasked to act as Lady Emily's body guard, as she had no one else who can fit the role in the short amount of time.” - Lara

Stigma was about to agree but felt something was amiss and found the news was lacking in details, Felix had the same concern then voiced out in wanting a reason for splitting them apart for such task when they had more people.

And at that moment, Stigma realized what Felix meant, he started to recall several rumors in the market about twelve Cultivators within their ranks as guards.

So Stigma found it strange to for someone like Emily to use a large group of Cultivators to act as scouts rather than guards, especially when the group had a Third Tier like Felix.

Though their interaction wasn't long, Stigma found the idea of having Felix's party act as the guards was the correct move, while the twelve can act as the scouts.

Emily gave a face that understood their concern and gave a clear explanation that revealed everything, with Lara providing missing details.

To summarize the whole explanation, Stigma and Felix found out that the rumors were spread from her Seniors without her knowledge.

Five days before the market settle and she was recruited.

Though the rumors had provided intimidation and discourage wandering Cultivators in causing trouble, it also forced Emily to do her job without complaint when the role was given to her.

Since the rumors were related to Security, Emily was not able ignore them as it had already spread through out the market, Emily could not stop the masses from believing it when the dangers started appearing one after another.

”The truth is that there are only Five Cultivators employed in the market, not twelve.” - Emily

”Including Lady Emily herself, as acting the leader and employer, there are three more Cultivators who are sibling that use archery, while one had gone missing since the storm.” - Lara

”Although the rumor are not entirely false, my grandfather once heard that each of their respective families had Cultivators employed in their ranks that numbered around four to five at most.” - Emily

”But with their questionable reputations in their respective companies, Emily's three Seniors were still heirs but under condition[1] and could not allow the Cultivators as their personal bodyguards.” - Stigma

”Exactly, excluding regular guards, products and personal fortune; they were forbidden from using their families assets as they have to prove themselves by providing their own means of protection with whatever was available.” -Emily

”But they found excuses and loophole on their conditions by finding comrades in similar situation while pushing their responsibility onto capable subordinates or an exceptional Junior like Miss Emily.” - Felic

”Yes....in other words...” Emily or Lara could not lift their head, but Felix and Stigma could imagine their dilemma.

'In other words, if her three Seniors were in a situation in where their reputation will be damaged, they would band together and shift the blame onto Emily as she was announced to be responsible for Security.' - Stigma

Because only four Cultivators remained and one had gone missing, Emily had to act carefully and make sure the masses do not catch wind of the truth.

Especially to her Seniors, who might prevent or interfere with her plans.

From that scenario, Emily had no choice but to keep the remaining Cultivators guarding the market and use a a third party like Felix's group to perform her task in secret.

As for Stigma's role as a bodyguard, Emily informed them that her uncle Roger would normally take the role, but was tied with responsibilities as the guard captain and needed some time to recuperate in the following days.

Stigma and Felix were also found out that there was a possible riot from the number of property damage, so most of the guards are being used for inspection as they were under staff and she could not force them to go overtime as the majority were still employed to her Seniors.

In total, the market had a total of over five thousand guards, and Emily was left with roughly twelve to thirteen hundred alone, and that was counting those wiling to work with her.

When all was said, it became clear to both Cultivators of her dilemma and had the same thought: 'there was no other solution.'

And that was the good news.

The unfortunate news was affecting Emily, as she had no idea what would be the future outcome.

As mentioned before, a large work load had been pushed onto her and will affect their future interactions, which meant Emily may not have enough time to procure most of their request at the end of the week.

But that wasn't what Emily meant by unfortunate and told the real news with a sour expression, followed with a spit on the floor.

”What do mean, your Senior's made, other plans?”

”It just as it means, don't you get it! Do I have to explain everything to you!!!??!”

”Now,now, let me explain my Lady so you can rest. Oh, are there any questions you might want to know Sir Felix before you leave?”

”...None, I must be going to make my end of the deal so please inform my little brother, as I will ask him later. Excuse me then, Stigma we shall meet later on at your tent by the end of the day, so don't forget about cultivating and eating during your spare time.”

When Felix finally left, Stigma followed behind Lara, with Emily in her arms.

Despite her delicate like appearance, Lara was able to lift Emily like a child, she later informed Stigma that she had to have the stamina to work with a talented person and had to train not only her mental strength but her physical ability as well.

Emily's personal tent was not a far destination, but the fourteen year old mistress was being difficult to handle and took up most of Stigma and Lara's time when she struggle from her grasp.

Which ended up with Stigma getting stomped to the head multiple times, along with Lara being exhausted from endless her struggle.

”I'm not tired! I still have work to do!”

”I believe you! Now stop struggling, so Miss Lara can get to work already!”

As they walked behind the row of tents, some of the guards on break saw their mistress throwing a fit with Lara, along with giving their condolence to Stigma when they say him being kicked to the side of the head.

”Ah! Just let me finish the registry, I was about to finish before those two arrive so let me finish just that!”

”No you may not, I am fully aware of what task needs to be done, so you have to take care of your health Mistress. Stigma is here so you can play with him, while I am to finish your remaining task, s...”


'I'm twenty fuc - king years older than you brat, but I'm in ten year old body! I have no interest on a child's body!!! Grow into a well endowed beauty with a pair before you can talk to me like that!'

With Emily spouting out complaints, Stigma felt that he was insulted when her remarks were likely aimed at him, but chose to withhold his response in silent when he saw Emily's fuming expression as she complained.

But that didn't stop him from, rebuking her along the way.

From how red her face was including the heavy breathing, it only showed how much stress Emily was going through and could not control herself to find the right words from speaking due to exhaustion and lack of sleep, so her associate Lara had spoken in her stead when Roger left for his task.

”Miss Lara, is the problem really that bad?” When Emily started to calm down and closed her eyes to take a nap, Stigma began to speak as they walked towards her private tent.

Stigma understood what Emily was going through and gave her some sympathy along with offering his help in the future, but he was far more concerned of the news she was going to say before her outburst.

”....It is a task, as you may have already known, Lady Emily has the responsibility to appease the masses along with imprisoning most trouble maker, as the head of security. But the multiple incident had took up the entire night. By the time the entire market became stable with all the injured accounted for, my Lady had began to make plans for relocating the market in a different area. Unfortunately....” - Lara

”..Let me guess, before Emily had the chance to announce her plans to the public or set it in motion, her three Seniors had been one step ahead and made a separate decision without her consent.” - Stigma

”....It is as you say and this was not the first time since we came here....those men had repeatedly taken advantage of Lady Emily's absence during their meetings and it was always my Lady taking responsibility to clean up their mistakes.” - Lara

”....So, what did those three agreed upon to form a consensus during the chaos? Don't tell me they plan to brush this whole incident off like nothing happened?”

”It is as you say....while Lady Emily was busy, those men had seized the opportunity to provide their own statement to the public and told them that the danger would not stop them from continuing with the festivities and will resume with until then. They boldly claim that with their combined efforts, they will overcome all crisis....”

”Haa!!! Do they believe they can fool!!!! No one would believe that bullshit alike statement!!!! An earthquake just happened, how the hell are expecting to pull that off!!!!!”

Stigma knew his voice was being to loud, but with an unknown danger in the shadows, he could not believe how ignorant those three were trying to be. Yet Stigma remembered that everyone from the market showed faces of joy for the current festivities rather than fear of the danger.

Making him realize something had happened to change their minds and make them remain.

”.....Unfortunately, they had already made a crafty move and paid a few of their men to convince the public in believing that everything was under control. By the time Lady Emily had found out, she could not convince anyone to listen to her. You had already seen how irritated Lady Emily was when she found out the announcement, so please don't her insults to heart.”

”Don't worry, I sympathize her, but with Emily being preoccupied with double the work load. I can one guess those uncooperative Seniors of hers, won't stop until the auction is reached, correct?”

”Exactly...those men are so distasteful, to force someone like my energetic little mistress to suffer, while they gloat about their family's fortune and act like pigs, truly a horrible bunch....”

When Stigma saw Lara tearing up from her last words, he felt like his heart was breaking from seeing a woman crying for someone else.

'...It's always like this....'

”Miss Lara, please don't worry about Emily, with all the help you are providing, I will support her in anyway possible, so please don't worry about her.”

”*sniff*.....Thank you.”