6 6 Is It Still Valid? (1/2)
It's been a few days since Hana got injured. Hana slowly opens her eyes. She slowly sits up. She felt a pain on her arm.
She looks down. She touches her arm. (That's right. I saved Sora from getting hurt.) Hana then changed to her maid outfit.
Hana walks out and head outside in the garden. She starts watering the plants. Rui was passing by and notices her in the garden.
He knits his brows. (She's working in that condition?) Rui head towards her direction. He snatch the hose from her.
She startled. ”Master Rui.” He toss the hose on the ground and grabs her hand. ”Hey! Master Rui. Let go! I said let go!” He ignores her yapping.
He takes her to her bedroom. He pushes her on the bed and get on top of her. ”You!” She tries to hit him but he catches her hand and locks his hand into hers.
She tries to struggle herself out of there but couldn't. ”You need to take a few days off before going back to work.” ”Why would I listen to you?”
He leans in towards her. She turns her head. He whispers in her ear. ”If you don't, Imma **** you.”He moves away from her. She quickly sits up and grab a pillow to hold against her body.
”...Your answer?” ”...Fine. I'll take a few days off.” ”Good.” Rui turns his heels and left Hana's room. She quickly runs to the door as soon as he closed the door. She locks the door.
She whispers, ”Bastard.”
Rui walks out of her room. He stood there for a few minutes. He then hears her footsteps running to the door.
She locks her door. He smirks. He then head back to his study room.
As he opens the door to his study room, he closed the door. He walks towards the desk. He picks up some files of Hana off the desk.
(Hana was only 5 when she lost her mother. Age of 15, she lost her father due to a murder. After that, she went off the grid.)
He puts the files back down and head to the window. He looks out the window. (Where did you go when you have nobody to turn to?)
Sora comes back from school. He looked everywhere for Hana, but couldn't find her. (Where is she?)
He went to look for her in her bedroom. SLAM. The door opens. She looks up. ”Sora.” He falls on his knees.
”Sora.” ”I thought you left.” She chuckles. She gets up from the chair and walks towards him. She helps him stand back up.
She smiles. ”I told you, didn't I? I won't leave here.” ”Promise?” ”Promise.” Their foreheads touch one another.
She then stands up and sit on the chair while Sora head to the bed and laid down. ”How's school?” ”Boring.” ”It can't be that boring.” ”It is.”
Sora sits up and look at Hana. ”Hana.” ”Hm?” ”I've been wondering where's your parents?”
Hana turns to the window; looking at the sunset. ”I lost my mother at a very young age. I don't quite remember what happen to her.”
”And your father?” She lowers her gaze to her hands. She sadly smiles. ”He's....(In jail, he was framed. Framed to be a murder.) somewhere. He's well.”
She looks at Sora with a forced smile. Sora knew something is not right. He doesn't want to pressure her to tell him.
He gets off the bed. ”You must be getting tired. I'll come again tomorrow.” Sora left the room.
Sora heads to his dad's study room. ”Dad.” Rui looks up and sees Sora coming in, taking a seat. ”What is it?”
Sora looks down at his hands. ”I asked her about her parents. Hana has this sad aura around her. It makes me feel bad for asking.”