63 Chapter 63 The Original (1/2)
A small wizened form lay encased in crystal.Wires ran from his head to a terminal beside him.
”Welcome Dustin and Olivia, I have been waiting a very long time to meet you.” The voice was mechanical, coming from the terminal.The robot AI stopped in its tracks and the face on it disappeared.
”I hope you don't mind the games I had you go through, but I had to make absolutely sure the two of you could survive the coming trials.”
”What?” started Dustin, completely confused.”What the hell?”
”I'm sure you have figured out that I am the original Dustin, by now?”
Shaking his head, ”Actually no, you bastard, I didn't have a fucking clue until this moment.”
”Pity.Regardless, you are tasked with saving the human race.”
”Like hell we are!” shouted Olivia, furiously.
”Please calm down, I will explain everything to you.”
”I don't think you could explain everything, I think you're sick and twisted!”
”Olivia,” said Dustin, grabbing her arm.”We don't have a choice but to listen to his little tirade.We need to know what's going on, and then we can kill his sick ass.”
She nodded, hesitantly at first, then turned to lean against the wall.
”Alright, Original Dustin, let's hear what you have to say.”He crossed his arms, trying to keep an open mind about all the different ways he wanted to kill this thing.
”When the humans left, I was ignored in the prison.I was to be used as a test subject on the new technology, the PED, they had just acquired.Luckily, the Josagn came and rescued me, or so I thought, until it became clear they were more interested in hunting me, than they were in saving me.My clones were set to start growing, also left by the humans, in order to have multiple test subjects for the PED.”
”But why make clones?Isn't that infinitely more difficult?Why not just use other people?”This just didn't make sense to Dustin.
”The PED was reverse engineered by me, so I was to be the test subject.Every other human they had tried it on, had died.”
”But what about me?” asked Olivia.
”And all of those people in the underground city?” added Dustin.