60 Chapter 60 Bombs in the Brains (1/2)

”You didn't find a single ship? Then how do the Josagn get here?” asked Olivia in confusion.She was checking all of the guns dropped by the Josagn that she had been able to grab, to see how much ammo they had left and positioning herself at the door.

”The Josagn on this ship were born here.They have a nursery on the other side of the ship from here, complete with school for the young before they can officially start hunting.They steal the tech from other races then kill them off using trickery in whatever way they can.Then they go in and turn the world into a hunting planet while they search for their next prey.”

”That explains why their weapons are so varied and why it's so easy to kill them.So, the memory tech and everything didn't really come from them, it came from some other race?”Dustin shook his head.It made a lot more sense now, especially since the tech hadn't seemed to improve over the years.

”Look, they injected me with a cocktail of drugs, while I was in that tank.I can feel them starting to leave my system, and without a PED to heal from it, I probably won't last much longer.I guess you must be, what 16, 17?”

”I'm number 20,” said Dustin.

”Then this whole damn thing is about over.They've finally run out of clones to send down.Let me help you get that bomb out of your head so you have a chance.Maybe you can find a ship where I failed.”

He motioned for a table, while picking up a vibrobladed scalpel.

”Whoa! Wait a minute!What makes you think I'm stupid enough to just let some stranger cut on my head??Just because you look like me doesn't mean that you're not a Josagn changed with a PED to look like me!”

”Oh, I wouldn't be a Josagn, they're honestly purists, just like our fake memories thought.The slaves, those few left after a purge, are given the option to become their spies for them.The better the job they do, the longer they get to live.I'm not sure why they went through this farce yet, but I'm sure you'll find out before you get off this station.”

”I'm still not willing to let you just cut into my head!” Dustin glared at him, as he set the blade down with a sigh.

”Look, I'm surprised they haven't blown your head off yet, with the little bomb in your head, because you made it to the station.That was the ultimate goal for each of our little clones.You make it to the station and congratulations, trial over.You either go to work for them as happy little pawns or you get killed.I'm sure you've noticed some of the lizard clones wandering around?”

Dustin nodded, not liking this guy at all, especially since he seemed to be making so much sense.

”Unless they have some hidden agenda that I never found, it's game over for you.They could get tired of hunting for your ass at any moment and decide to just end you, then look for your body.”

”They don't have any way to make more clones?” asked Olivia, focused on the door.

”No, when I found the lab where the clones were stored, it looked like they had already been made when the Josagn took this station over.You should have the memories of what a Josagn station looks like.”

She nodded, ”They're not like this in my memories, but I wasn't sure, because so many of the memories are fading and proving to be wrong.”

”That's another of their tricks.Make the enemy doubt himself, and then he's that much easier to hunt.I don't think they had a clue when it came to us humans.I think, they found themselves overmatched.I really wish I could make it back home to find out, but it's not possible anymore.”