58 Chapter 58 Specimen Lab (1/2)

Grabbing the guns, so if anyone checked in the room, they wouldn't know he had been there, he opened the door carefully.The AI had pulled up a map for him to examine, and there were several places he wanted to check out.The first stop was going to be the genetic engineering lab.It wasn't too far away, only a couple floors, maybe an hour or two?

Dustin knew he was going to get into some fights, but he couldn't stay here.Entering the hall, he quickly floated up near the ceiling, with the two on his back, and camouflaged.It wasn't perfect, but maybe it would let someone just glancing down the hall miss him.

”I told ya, I don't care if they checked.If my PED was broke, I'd go there first.”

The voice was low and gravely.Dustin prepared one of the guns as two figures turned a corner and continued their conversation, without noticing him at all.They didn't even look up.He took the time to study them, as they headed to the room he had just left.Both were short, probably five foot, and they had scales, like he had before he turned them crystal.One was black and white, like the snakes had been, while the other had a bluish gleam to its scales.

”All I care about is killing him so that we can finally be free,” said the bluish one.

”You think they're going to actually do that?I bet they throw us down there and go hunting for us again.”

”I'd fry them!” growled the blue one, clenching his fist.Sparks of electricity flashed around his fist, and the white one just shook his head before opening the door.

”Didn't they say they left a couple guys here?” he said after a few moments with the door still open.

”Yea, why?”

”This place is empty!Either they're hiding inside, or they've just left!”

They both glanced up and down the hall, but didn't seem to see him.He held still, wondering who they were to be given permission to roam the halls of the station.He might be able to use that.

”Where do you think they went?”

”Hmm, maybe the lab?If their PED's were damaged and they got parts, I would go to the genetics lab next.It's the closest to here that would interest me.”

”I suppose…either that, or the specimen lab.”

”If he's made it this far, with her no less, then it's probably safe to say he's going to the genetics lab instead of the specimen lab, he wouldn't need more genetic material, only the computers to finish fixing his PED.”

”Wish I still had my PED, I'd be out of here in a heartbeat!”

”Hey, remember what they said!If you try to skip out, they'll blow your brain!”

”Yea, I know.I've tried to fry it, but it's got some kind of special coating over it to prevent that.”

”Want to split up?We could both head in a different direction?”

”No, remember they said they would shoot at any of us that were alone?I may hate this place, but I'm not about to get myself killed, not at this point in the game.”

”Do you think we'll ever get away from here?” mused the white one, as they still hadn't moved.Dustin was starting to think they knew he was there after all, and were trying to give him some info and time to kill them.

”No,” whispered the blue one, looking down.”I sometimes think it would be nice to let the last one live.We've killed all the others.”

”Well, except for number 15.He's still locked up in the specimen lab.They're still not sure how he was able to deactivate the bomb in his head.”

They were quiet for a moment, then they both turned and glanced at him for the briefest moment, and started heading down the hall.

”Let's check the specimen lab.If he was able to fix his PED, maybe he went to see how 15 deactivated the bomb so he really could escape.”

”It would be nice if someone could.I wish it was me, but I lost my Olivia…”

”Shut it, before they hear you, you sniveling baby!”

Just about then, several Josagn came marching around the corner.They pointed their guns at the two, but didn't shoot.

”Any reports?” asked the one in the lead.