50 Chapter 50 PED Upgrade (1/2)
Running back the way they came, they didn't hesitate passing all of the traps the girl had pointed out to them, the strange flower garden, the serpent pool, and the cave of bugs.They had to slow down climbing back up the slimy crack, but they soon found their way back to the ship.
Climbing inside, they sat down and rested for a good long while.There was no sign that they had angered a giant underground dragon, and nothing seemed to have followed them out of the crack.It was quiet, and they reveled in it.
”I'm going to get started working on the ship.Mind helping me?”
”Sure.I don't have much else to do.”
For the next twenty hours, they tore into things, rewiring them, calibrating it, and then doing it some more, until finally, Dustin held a small bomb in his hands.They were both exhausted and the interior of the ship needed to be put back together, but Dustin was sure he knew everything there was to know, about this ship.
”I say we get some sleep, then get out of these caves,” said Olivia, laying down on the bench.
”Nope,” said Dustin, starting to reattach the panels.He was tired, but if something came to attack them, he didn't want something to go wrong because he had wires dangling everywhere.
With a groan Olivia got back up to help.It only took about twenty minutes, and then the inside of the shuttle looked much improved.
”Now do we get to sleep?” she asked, hesitating before sitting down.
”Yes, but we're not leaving when we wake,” he said.
”What?Why not?I thought that was all you could think about!”
”It is, but I need to take into consideration that this might be the only calm I get until we're done with the Josagn.There's some things I want to look into on our PED's before we fly off.”
With a sigh of defeat, she threw herself onto the bench and was quickly out.Dustin settled himself into the pilot chair, so that if anything came along, he could react as fast as possible.
-”The subject is responding well to the memory adjustments.We should be able to get twenty trips out of it, easily,”
-”That's good.The last one only lasted three trips before it started becoming unstable.”
-He was able to open his eyes a little, but it was like looking through muddy water.Everything was blurry and indistinct.
-”The female that we acquired with this one, is also looking promising.There has even been some talk between the superiors about breeding them after the hunts are through.It would be exciting to see how that would turn out.”
-”You shouldn't talk about such things.”
-The scene changed and he was being strapped to a table.The monster had eaten his lower half, and he had been in so much pain!But now it was like he was floating.There were Josagn moving about him, poking and prodding, but he couldn't understand their words.