42 Chapter 42 Escape from the Shuttle Bay (1/2)
”They've reached the hanger bay!I repeat, they've reached the hanger bay! Over,” Shouted one of them over the coms.
”You fool!They're wearing a set of the com armor!”
”We are going radio silent.Repeat. We are going radio silent!”
Dustin looked over at her and chuckled.
”It seems like they're not too happy that we made it this far,” she said, grinning at him.
”Let's get out of here, before they try blowing the place up, or sending more damn monsters after us.”
They jogged over to the first shuttle, but the door was locked.Looking at each other, they split up to check each of the other shuttles, but their doors were locked too.
”Can you hack the system to get one open?” asked Olivia, glancing at the door they had come through.
”Maybe, but it's going to take time.”He pulled out his multi-tool and glanced over the shuttles.Maybe the farthest from the door would be best.It would give him the most cover if anyone came calling.
”I'll cover the door so if anyone tries to interrupt, I can blow 'em away.”She pulled out the grenade launcher with a wide grin.
”Why do I get the feeling you're enjoying this?”He paused to watch her hips sway as she walked towards the door.
”I had to suffer at the hands of these assholes for six fucking years.I think they liked it, too.It's time I get a little payback.”She stroked the gun, looking at him suggestively, before turning back to what she was doing.
Dustin was sure, with all of the guns that were in that bag, she should be able to hole them off long enough for him to get the shuttle open.After checking over the door carefully, for anything he may have missed, he found an access panel for maintenance repairs, and got to work.
Using the PED as the access control device, he started to explore what all it could do.
”I just want the damn door to open.Once I'm inside, we'll see what needs done to get this thing into the air.”
”Then sync already, but no contacting the aliens!”