38 Chapter 38 - WEAPONS!! (1/2)

”Initiate copy-cat!” he thought, shuddering as waves of pain danced along his limbs.



Dustin felt his skin start to peel.Fighting not to scream, he was thankful for the pain from the sonic attack, as he wasn't sure if he could have endured this otherwise.

Olivia blinked in surprise, finding herself laying on the ground, as his plates continued to slough off.She scrambled back. Blood began to seep out of cracks in his skin, and his head, chest, and a part of his body slipped free, exposing a much smaller form.He climbed to his feet, as a small two-foot person, with his PED on his back, and glanced around.

Behind him, it looked like he had melted.Stepping away, he glanced around him.


They were in a short hall, with three doors to choose from.Not hesitating for long, he grabbed her hand and they darted for the right door.It had just clicked shut, when he heard some of the Josagn exclaiming over the shed skin.

The room they had entered, was full of all sorts of mechanical things.They had just enough time to duck behind a row of flying bikes, before the door was opened.

”Clear!” came a call, before the door was shut again.

”He really must have melted!Who would have thought a sonic attack could have liquified him?” The speaker had to be by the door for them to hear his muffled voice.

Several more moments passed where orders were given to clean up the mess and to start repairs.The two could hear bits of a discussion about the stick people.Apparently, they were giving up, and returning to their forest.The Josagn were joking about how they hadn't stood a chance.

Dustin glanced at Olivia in time to see her rolling her eyes.These aliens were really stuck up.He felt a little sorry for the stick people, but they weren't his main concern right now.He had just spied an entire shelf of PED's. Sneaking over to it, he was floored by what he saw.These PED's were all upgraded in one way or another.It looked like they threw them here, when they killed the wearer.

Olivia wandered further into the room, as he started looking through them.He was breathing hard in excitement as he looked over the various upgrades.There were so many, and some of them were even better than the one he had on.He could spend hours here working on this!

”PED initiate a return to my lizard man form.”


As his form grew to his six-foot size, it was much easier to reach the upper shelves.The PED moved itself back to his left forearm, and covered itself with a crystal plate again.He was so glad he had thought up all of these functions with it.It was so much easier just telling it to initiate a certain function, rather than having to go into detail with each evolution, every time.


”Look over here!” Olivia hissed from further in the room.

Dustin looked over and saw her holding up several guns.His jaw dropped as he realized this must also be the storage for weapons.Forgetting the PED's for the moment, he hurried over to her.

There were rows and rows of different weapons.