28 Chapter 28 - Twig War? (2/2)

Ignoring the possibility of his entire existence worth of memories being made up, or not true, he focused on the problems at hand.He was on a planet that specialized in trying to kill him as quickly as possible. The longer he stayed, the harder the obstacles.He could try to hide from the drones, but he wasn't sure what would happen the longer he stayed.

If the dream technology wore off, the longer he stayed alive, then would the false memories they had planted in his mind also fade?What exactly would they be willing to do to ensure he were dead?

Focus, Dustin.The facts!Just think about the facts.

Ok, he wanted to get off the planet, because the Josagn wanted him dead.Apparently, he had outlived his entertainment value.They had a sample of his original genetics, if this wasn't his first time.So, if he could find that, he could return to human, without having to sneak back for some damn baby teeth.

Also, there was a girl, he kind of had the hots for, at least she was a great lay, and he wanted to try and save her too, if the opportunity presented itself.This alien twig thing, could get him close to the shuttle port where he needed to be, but he couldn't go plant, or all bets were off on ever being human again.

Could he use his PED to make himself look like one of the stick people, without actually going plant?He just had to look like one.Then he just had to wait twenty-four hours for the sentry gun to not register his PED as he snuck close.

Nodding to himself, he looked up to see that the prince and the twig Olivia were watching him.Had he been pacing?Why were they staring at him?

”What?” he asked, reaching up to touch his face.

”You have not listened to our request,” said twig Olivia,

”And what is that?” he asked, annoyed that they wanted to add to his list of to do things.

”We want you to destroy the shuttle structure, so that the bird people do not return.”

”That would never work,” jumped in the prince, obviously insulted that she even mention such a thing.

”We do not want this hunting or viewing shows to continue on our planet.We would like to request that your bird people leave us in peace.”

”And this is probably why they don't see your people as worth noticing.You have a planet here, that while blood-thirsty, is kind of pretty, if you like that sort of thing, and instead of trying to protect it, you ask others to do it for you.”

The twig Olivia turned her head, thinking about his words.

”Then we would have you teach us to do war.”