13 Chapter 13 Josagn (1/2)

”Ugh, don't call me that.I hate it.”

”So, it's true?” she asked, almost squeaking on the last word.

”She was my ex, and it was an accident,” he said, focusing on cutting the hide of the dragon.That seemed like a good name for it.To bad it didn't actually breath fire.That would have been a cool ability to have.


He didn't look at her, only focused on the task at hand.

”Who'd you kill?” he asked, getting one leg free, and setting it to the side.

She straightened her back.”A rapist.In self-defense.”

”That hardly sounds worthy of a sentence here.”

”He was a four-star general,” she whispered.

He whistled softly.”You're out of my league, at least you were.”

She was silent as he put a second leg to the side.

”I'm not a whore!” she finally sputtered.

Glancing at her, he turned back to his work.”Babe, I never said you were.”

”Don't call me babe!My names Olivia, Olivia Nyah.”

He started chuckling and turned to look at her.”You talk about me being someone.Look at you!Ms. I'm the alien expert!No wonder a general tried to fuck you!”

She looked away.He shook his head and turned towards the fallen trees behind him.He needed to get a fire started to keep the critters away before they got brave enough to try and steal some of the meat.He could see them staring at him from the bushes all around.

”My job was supposed to keep me safe from that crap.They said to make myself famous and no one would be willing to risk touching me.”

”Who was that?” he asked, ripping a branch from the dead tree.

”My superiors.My teachers.My mom.”

”And yet it didn't work.”


He focused on getting the fire started.It wasn't hard if you knew what you were doing.

Settling the first couple of legs against the fire to start cooking them, he threw some of the guts over to the foxes.

Olivia sat by the fire, watching them fight over the scraps.He didn't see the bone foxes, only the three tailed ones.

”Are those dangerous?” she asked softly.

”Only if you're dead, or a bug.”

”What did you mean earlier, about not being the person who was sentenced here?”

”You're not human, right?”

”I guess not,” she conceded, touching her PED.

”This planet is open to hunters like the Josagn.”

”Oh shit!” she exclaimed in horror.


”That means…but why would they do that…unless…”