1 Chapter 1 - Landfall (2/2)

”The planet 3.54365 has an atmosphere primarily of oxygen, and nitrogen.It is too rich for human survival.The surface of the planet is thickly covered in plant growth and has a healthy animal population.”

Crap, if the atmosphere was unbreathable, he would only have a few minutes to find something to steal genetic material from.No wonder no one survived this planet.Cursing his luck, he turned his attention to the PED on his arm, and activated it.It was a good thing his dad was a war hero before he died.It had left plenty of money for his mother to waste drinking away her sorrows.It also left enough for him to be granted this little gizmo.

Dustin wasn't sure how the system worked exactly, but he knew that the more money the government stood to gain when you were thrown in prison, the fancier the parting gift.Without this thing, he didn't have a fighting chance.


”Time to planet fall 14 minutes 57 seconds.”

Breathing evenly, Dustin cursed his luck.He should have started it up the moment his hands were free.If he survived, it wouldn't happen again.Running what he knew through his head, he focused on what he had to do.

As soon as he was released from this metal and glass coffin, he had to immediately look for an animal, any animal, and get a sample from it.The PED would need the sample to be inserted into it before it could extract the genetic material and initiate an evolutionary change into his body.He couldn't remember how long the change took.He would just have to hope it was quick.

The ship started bouncing around as it hit turbulence.He could feel the burn of the flames flickering outside his window.Knowing that he would have burnt to a crisp by now if there were no protection, he was impressed.Whoever built this thing really did care, kinda.

”Landfall imminent.Prepare for ground contact,” came the mechanical voice in his ear.He focused on continuing to breath. The air was about used up.His head was starting to ache, and he had to fight to keep his breathing slow.

There was a loud screech, and he was thrown against the glass, that popped open.He was suddenly face down in the cold mud of an alien planet.Looking around confused, he held his breath, knowing it was his only chance.Spying a worm wiggling in the mud, he grabbed it and shoved it at the genetic entry port of the PED.It wouldn't open.

Staring at it in confusion, he kept jabbing the very dead worm into the port.


The port opened and the worm was inserted.He almost pulled it out again, but the port shut too quickly.His eyes were starting to droop, and he was having trouble seeing.


He fell back into the mud, and watched the clouds drift by.If anything had come by to eat him at that moment, he would have been a goner.


With a huge gulp of air, Dustin woke up.He breathed deep several more times, before he went to sit up.Then he felt the tentacle that had wrapped around his ankle, tighten and jerk him beneath the water.