Chapter 1080: Save them first, drink tea later (2/2)

But Long Feiye only said, “We won’t participate in the northern expedition when the troops head out. Have Ning Nuo give Jun Yixie a letter and say this crown prince will personally lead the troops to attack Skyriver City and meet him for tea then!”

For a second, Tang Li didn’t get what he meant and looked confused.

Then Long Feiye added, “Tang Li, go make preparations. We’ll head for Tiger’s Prison tonight! After arriving on the 28th, we’ll secure the hostages first, then have a good time drinking tea with Jun Yixie on the 1st!”

Thrilled by his words, Tang Li’s dark pupils instantly lit up.

“Your words are my command, big bro!”

Like last night, he sprang to his feet in excitement. He had been waiting for this day for a long, long time!

Sitting on one side, Gu Qishao slammed his fists and laughed. “Long Feiye, this old man likes that idea!”

Who cares when Jun Yixie wanted to drink tea? They would slip in and save the hostages first, then find him for their date! See how Jun Yixie would waddle about then! Han Yunxi was thrilled as well. Although there was some difficulty to this method, they would manage it since Long Feiye said so!

Actually, they had to succeed!

Without hostages in Jun Yixie’s hands, they could have a nice long drink of tea!

Gu Beiyue smiled lightly. “Your Highness, this subordinate will do my best to coordinate with you.”

With that decided, everyone left to make preparations. Han Yunxi was in charge of personally packing Long Feiye’s things while he went to see Manager Luo at Kangan Private Bank. After East Qin and the Di Clan started working together, the central and south regions relaxed many of their restrictions against the Di Clan’s merchants, allowing Cloud Realm Trade Consortium a chance to be reborn. However, this displeased many of the wealthy consortiums and families of the south central regions, who had been raising a ruckus from the south quite a few times.

Long Feiye was too busy and simply feigned ignorance about this matter while having his subordinates handle it. After all, the people in the south didn’t dare run too rampant so they wouldn’t affect the ultimate conclusion.

Very soon, Han Yunxi finished her preparations. She was about to find Long Feiye when a servant girl came over with a bowl of brownish-black medicine. Puzzled, Han Yunxi assumed this was a delivery on Long Feiye’s orders since he would often give her nourishing medicine.

“This servant brought this on Doctor Gu’s orders . Doctor Gu said that the princess hasn’t been looking well and needs to travel far. He fears that princess won’t be able to take it, so he made this medicine for you to drink up while it’s hot before you leave,” the servant said. “Doctor Gu also said that this is the first bowl. Once princess returns, you’ll need to keep drinking this.”

Han Yunxi picked up the bowl and took a sniff before tasting its contents. Aside from a few common medicinal plants, she couldn’t figure out any of the other ingredients. Without much thought, she downed the contents. Besides Long Feiye, Gu Beiyue was the one other man in this world she never had to worry about.

After finishing the bowl, she sat for a while until Long Feiye and Gu Beiyue returned. The latter made no mention of the medicine, so Long Feiye naturally remained clueless.


For their journey to Tiger’s Prison, Long Feiye only picked a few shadow guards to follow them on the sly. They would make running errands more convenient. The team was kept small because there was no need for additional people. To kill Jun Yixie, only he, Han Yunxi, Gu Beiyue, and Gu Qishao were sufficient. To rescue the hostages needed more than their combined strength, but more strategy and tactics. Long Feiye’s team and one Tang Li left as a group of five in secret that night from Three-Way Black Market. They chose to keep to the small forest paths as they headed for Tiger’s Prison.

On the 28th night of the third lunar month, they arrived outside the mountain forests surrounding Tiger’s Prison. This was a dense patch of woods west of Northern Li’s Skyriver City and made up the country’s largest swath of mountain wilderness. The peaks were high with deep ravines, steep slopes, and many connected ranges like a row of jigsaw fangs. Mountain after mountain, peak after peak, made up an unending mass.

Tiger’s Prison was hidden in the deepest part of the mountains in the densest, thickest gully. The geography affected the climate here, which was full of thick, full-leaf trees dense enough to blot out the skies and sun. Jun Yixie had invited Long Feiye and Han Yunxi to drink tea on the eastern cliffs of Tiger’s Prison, a place called Tiger Roar Cliff. It got its name from the multiple tigers within the mountains who often roared over the cliffs. Standing on its edge, one could see the deep gully beneath but not Tiger’s Prison itself because of all the trees and greenery.

Jun Yixie had drawn a map in his invitation letter which detailed a path from the base of the mountain to Tiger Roar Cliff. However, Bai Yuqiao had long given them a clear map of Tiger’s Prison and its surrounding peaks in the past. She even added notes on the known ambushes lying in wait around the area. There were many different paths to Tiger Roar Cliff, but Jun Yixie had drawn them the most dangerous one!

Currently, Han Yunxi and the rest were looking up at the mountain from its base. Jun Yixie had arranged to meet with them at sunset tomorrow. In other words, they only had tonight and tomorrow’s daytime to slip into Tiger’s Prison and rescue its prisoners!

1. The raws say “Ning Cheng” instead of JYX here, but I attribute that to a typo.

2. This is a little confusing, but basically LFY calculated 6 days total for GBY to head there and back. Since it’s the 20th now and GBY is leaving at night, he’ll see daylight on the day of the 21st and likely arrive by the night of the 23rd. Assuming some time to snoop around during the day of the 24th, he’ll leave and be back closer to the night of the 27th, which makes it the 28th day when he’s finally back. ….okay yeah I’m confused too, but that’s the gist of it.