Chapter 810: Cloud Realm Continent is boiling over (1/2)
Long Feiye’s late letter only had one line:
Han Yunxi, do you still believe me?
Her fingers brushed lightly against the ink. It was long dried, but still gave off the scent of ink. Although she’d rarely seen his handwriting, she remembered it well. His characters were full of strength, domineering and unrestrained. It radiated his aura entirely. Everyone said that one’s words matched one’s character. But she couldn’t read his thoughts behind this message at all.
The romantic pale purple paper and his vigorous calligraphy was a complete contrast, just like her tenderness and his iron will. The two opposites seem to meld into one on the paper while each standing in their own worlds, ever apart, ever separate.
Did Han Yunxi still trust him?
She stroked the characters over and over again before folding the paper, like all the others, back into its envelope and hiding it carefully away. Then she replied his letter again--not with ‘Long Feiye, I miss you,’ but simple a sheet of blank paper.
Long Feiye was hurrying on his way to Medical City when he received Han Yunxi’s letter. He had already rushed for two days and two nights, but was forced to rest tonight. Otherwise, both the horses and Uncle Gao would collapse. He was still dressed in black robes as he read the message outside the carriage. His noble, mysterious air was unassailable, his expression seemingly cold as he bent down to study the missive quietly. The night colors made his profile look icily handsome, framing him in his own cold and lonely world.
It was only a single sheet of blank paper, but he stared at it for a long, long time.
Baili Mingxiang, Uncle Gao, and the shadow guard A’Dong were all resting on one side, but their eyes were fixated on the letter in His Highness Duke of Qin’s hands. The man had read it for so long that it must have come from esteemed wangfei.
But wasn’t he staring at it a little too long? They still didn’t know whether Gu Beiyue was dead or alive? Baili Mingxiang herself couldn’t stop remembering the same phrases she’d overheard before. She rarely spoke, but now she’d turned absolutely mute. Uncle Gao now shot her a look, but she shook her head, afraid to approach their master. Finally, it was Uncle Gao himself who made the move.
“Your Highness, it’s getting late. You should rest and take care of your body.”
Over the past few days, His Highness had been too busy taking care of various secret missives coming his way to rest at all. Exposing the East Qin’s imperial heir’s identity meant that His Highness Duke of Qin’s campaign against the world had officially begun. Great General Baili had already made a quick attack on Tianning’s South Xiao Prefecture, while the prominent clans of the south central regions had all expressed their support for His Highness Duke of Qin and the East Qin imperial family. Western Zhou, Tianan, and even factions within Tianning were all sending letters to express their support and offer their lives for East Qin’s use.
Good news were coming in from all fronts!
His Highness Duke of Qin should have been permanently stationed with his soldiers, but he had set everything aside to leave secretly. If Esteemed Wangfei Wan, his mother, was still alive, she would have been angered to death. And if Tang Zijin ever found out, he would release Aunt Ru and come chasing after him personally.
Meanwhile, Long Feiye recovered his wits and carefully folded up the empty letter behind slipping it in his robes, next to his heart.
“You’re still not resting?” he asked coldly back.
Uncle Gao was quite overwhelmed by this unexpected favor and didn’t know what to say. But Long Feiye only continued, “If you’re not, then hurry and keep traveling. Get to Medical City within three days and you can go back to the Tang Clan to live out your days in retirement.”
Uncle Gao wanted to cry but had no tears. The fastest route from here to Medical City would still take four days. To rush there by three, they’d have to travel without rest or sleep again. But His Highness Duke of Qin was in such an obviously bad mood that he didn’t dare to complain. He called over Baili Mingxiang and the rest before the group continued to hasten their way back.
Baili Mingxiang was still sitting next to Uncle Gao outside the carriage. She couldn’t help but recall the words His Highness Duke of Qin had told the shadow guard and the phoenix birthmark on esteemed wangfei’s back. She was already certain that esteemed wangfei still didn’t know her status as the West Qin imperial heir. Had Gu Beiyue discovered the truth along with His Highness Duke of Qin’s identity, so a disagreement arose that eliminated him?
Or perhaps Gu Beiyue didn’t know about either of them, but His Highness Duke of Qin simply used him to take Medical City before making a preemptive strike?
Or maybe Gu Beiyue discovered that His Highness Duke of Qin was from East Qin first and wanted to take revenge for West Qin, thus clashing with him and getting killed?
But what about His Highness Duke of Qin? Did he know the significance of the phoenix birthmark and esteemed wangfei’s identity? Was he really doting on esteemed wangfei, or just faking it?
Baili Mingxiang turned over multiple possibilities in her head. In the end, the Shadow Clan and East Qin imperial clan were incompatible! There was nothing that could dissolve the enmity between the two sides! His Highness Duke of Qin had too much motive and reason to kill Gu Beiyue!
Baili Mingxiang started missing esteemed wangfei. Who knows if that woman could be as before, remaining calm and beautifully resolving all difficulties that came her way?
Does esteemed wangfei understand the long-standing enmity between East and West Qin?
The carriage hurried on. Long Feiye wrote no more letters to Han Yunxi, but dealt with all of his other letters like usual. Although he never spaced out doing his work, he ended up blanking out multiple times today. Baili Mingxiang was conflicted, but after a day and night of indecision, another piece of news stunned all of Cloud Realm Continent, leaving the masses gap-faced and jumpy!
It was news of Han Yunxi’s origins! Someone had revealed her status!
Qin Wangfei wasn’t Han Congan’s daughter, but the child of Lady Tianxin and a descendant of the Poison Sect. Moreover, Lady Tianxin was the Mu Clan’s Mu Xin, whose mother was West Qin’s princess. Han Yunxi might not count for a West Qin princess herself, but she was the only person in the world carrying the West Qin bloodline now. She was none other than West Qin’s heir, so she had full right to carry the title of “princess!”
By the time the shadow guard came with the news, Long Feiye simply dashed out of the carriage without telling it to stop. The letter he’d only read halfway fluttered to the ground. He took A’Dong’s horse and galloped off, leaving behind his final instructions.
“Baili Mingxiang, have your father take over all affairs in the military!”