Chapter 627: The third trial (4) (1/2)

Chapter 627: The third trial (4)

Han Yunxi turned around and jumped into the abyss!

If Long Feiye wasn’t coming up, she’d go down to look for him. Whether they met at the Yellow Springs or the River of Forgetfulness, she’d find him at one end of the bridge or another!

Pill King panicked and reached out to grab her, but he was too far away to reach. Too late, he watched Han Yunxi fall into the darkness.

“No!” he cried, his heart aching with true regret. The examiner hurried over as well. With Han Yunxi dead, who was supposed to treat her poison now?!

But in the next instant, a figure rose out of the darkness and headed for the ledge. The duo looked and realized it was actually Gu Beiyue in his wheelchair! He had been tossed clear out of the pits and was hanging in mid-air. Seconds before he fell back again, a long whip snaked up from the depths and lashed against the wheelchair. There was so much force behind the lash that it simply pushed him forward and safely onto the ground.


The force sent Gu Beiyue and his wheelchair clattering across the ground before they finally rolled to a stop. Lil Thing bounced up from his body before falling back down again, dizzy from all the motion. Nobody knew what had happened to them in the abyss, but that whip had to come from Long Feiye!

So they didn’t die? How is that possible?

Pill King gaped at the sight, while the examiner beside him was so stunned she even forgot to scratch herself. “Impossible! There’s no way he could still have internal energy! No way!”

The Skill Sealing Incense was so potent that it’d lock away all of a person’s internal energy within the time it took to brew a cup of tea. Where did Long Feiye find his reserves? And how could they still be so strong? Even without the incense, the most powerful martial arts practitioners would still find themselves helpless in a freefall down such a steep cliff!

How did Long Feiye do it?

Not only did he send Gu Beiyue back up, but it was through using his whip. The lash was strong enough to send Gu Beiyue flying halfway into the air. If he had such strength to begin with, he should’ve revealed it long before this! Just what had happened?

Both Pill King and the examiner were left shaken by the thought. Neither of them could figure it out as they peered down and saw…Long Feiye flying up with Han Yunxi in his arms.

Is this man some sort of god?

As the duo watched confounded, a vicious lash came from a whip, causing them to scurry out of the way. The female examiner misstepped and simply went crashing to the ground. In the wake of the whip, they saw the long sword wrapped around its end. As the whip arched upwards, it drove the sword into the earth until it became a stable anchor. Once it was in place, Long Feiye pulled taut on the whip and flew up into the air with Han Yunxi in tow.

In one breath, he displayed the full extent of his domineering air!

They landed with gentle circles, him cradling her in a princess carry that caused his robes and her skirts to swirl romantically in the breeze. Pill King, the examiner, Gu Beiyue and Lil Thing were all dumbfounded by the sight, but Long Feiye ignored them all to knit his brows at Han Yunxi.

“Why did you jump?” he demanded coldly. “Were you seeking death?”

“I was looking for you!” Han Yunxi was still lost in a trance from her fears.

“Stupid woman!” Long Feiye said unhappily.

But Han Yunxi only wrapped her arms around his neck and burst into tears. “Long Feiye, you didn’t die! Sobsob…you’re not dead! Not dead!”

Long Feiye wanted to lecture her some more, but her sobs left him at a loss. A trace of hesitation crept onto the cold and angry face. Every time this woman cried, his world was left in chaos. She was hugging him so tightly that he had no choice but to bend down. Her face was covered in tears and snot, but his mysophobic self had no choice but to let her stain his shirt. She was even trembling, causing his cold, hard rock of a heart to ache at the sight…

But he didn’t tell her to stop. He let her cry as she wished, because he knew she had been truly, terribly frightened. He had stopped crying himself a long time ago, when he was still young, but he knew how much better a good cry could make one feel.

Like this, the entire cave fell into silence except for Han Yunxi’s choked sobs. She had buried her face in Long Feiye’s chest, muffling her tears in his chest. Gu Beiyue watched from a distance with a pang in his heart. But helplessness laid with it as well. Both he and Long Feiye had heard Han Yunxi’s panicked cries, but were too caught up in the moment to answer her. And from beginning to end, she’d shouted for no one else except Long Feiye.

“Silly girl…” Gu Beiyue smiled helplessly. He gently stroked Lil Thing and thought back to what happened in the abyss.

Once he and Long Feiye started falling, the Seal Skilling Incense abruptly intensified. Long Feiye knew he couldn’t fight its effects so he gave up flying back up to find equilibrium between them both. This way they could at least land safely and preserve their lives. But the incense soon locked up all of his inner energy. Gu Beiyue remembered that moment precisely, because it had been when Long Feiye lost all strength and sent both of them plummeting down the abyss.

But he had no idea what happened next. A sudden strong qi had exploded from Long Feiye, who seemed to recover completely before pulling him, wheelchair and all, to a complete stop in the middle of the air. Long Feiye seemed to be readjusting his internal energy, because it took him a while until he could drag them out of the pits. In the end, he’d added a lash of his whip to send Gu Beiyue back on the edge. He was certain that Long Feiye’s second wind had come from a different type of inner energy that was much more potent than his first. Long Feiye had terrifying reserves to begin with, but now this revelation made him even more horrific.

Maybe it’s not internal energy at all, Gu Beiyue mused. Could it be some sort of energy that was sealed deep inside Long Feiye in case of emergencies like this?