Chapter 486: Lass, just repay me with your body (1/2)

Chapter 486: Lass, just repay me with your body

The end of the alley actually led to the lively and bustling red lantern district! Or to put it plainly, the brothels of the city. Gu Qi Sha’s solemn eyes suddenly glimmered with amusement like the stars in the sky. His eyes liked to smile, unfortunately, Han Yunxi didn’t get to see them this time.

“Lass, we’re saved!” he declared.

But he’d hardly spoken when another arrow pierced with a frightening force into his back.

“Ugh!” Gu Qi Sha groaned, before spitting up a large mouthful of blood. It splattered against his cloak and seeped through the fabric to drip on Han Yunxi’s face.

“Gu Qi Sha…!” Han Yunxi cried out in alarm, her pounding heart nearly stopping at the warm and sticky sensation.

“Poison lass, don’t be afraid.”

His voice had grown gentler and lost much of its eerie, eccentric air. Instead of sounding gloomy and horrific like usual, it was warm and even had traces of joking laughter.

So familiar! Han Yunxi gave a start, forgetting all about their dangerous situation as she stiffened in his arms. More arrows followed in their wake, but Gu Qi Sha led Han Yunxi out of the alley without the slightest hesitation. Their sudden appearance disturbed quite a bit of people in the streets.

“Murder! Murderers are afoot!” Gu Qi Sha shouted as he ran. Although this part of the capital was quite far from city center and was closer to the gates leading out, a ruckus would attract imperial guards all the same. As expected, none of the archers pursued them into the public setting, but the black-robed assassin didn’t give up on the chase. He ran after them along the roofs, shooting them with intermittent arrows. The last one that had struck Gu Qi Sha’s back came from none other than this man. He wasn’t aiming for Han Yunxi, but Pill Fiend!

Instead of running away, Gu Qi Sha did the unexpected and charged into a brothel. His bloody black cloak immediately sent the people inside into an uproar. All of the brothel residents fled in different directions, raising a chaotic stir. Although the black-robed assassin was quick to follow them in, the crowds made it impossible for him to spot them immediately.

Where are they?!

The various people inside squeezed against each other as they ran for the doors. Guests and prostitutes on the second and third floors scattered as well, their clothing disordered in their rush. Of course, there were plenty of people who chose to stay inside with their doors locked instead. The black-robed man jumped to land on the second-story railing, startling yet another crowd of people into a clamor. He simply cast the crowd a cold look, but still didn’t see Gu Qi Sha or Han Yunxi.

Despite this, he didn’t panic. His gaze turned shrewd as he swept his eyes across the railings and banisters, finally discovering fresh traces of blood amongst them! After being struck with so many arrows, it was only natural that Gu Qi Sha would be bleeding all over the place! Frosty determination flashed through the man’s eyes as he followed the bloodstains up to the third floor. Soon enough, they led him to a room. But after he kicked open the door, he saw that the inside was completely empty.

Where did they go?

He immediately started kicking open all the neighboring doors, his movements ruthless but agile in case the duo surprised him with their poisons. Yet the ten successive doors he’d kicked in only led to empty rooms or people making love on the bed. If they weren’t in the throes of passion, they would’ve noticed the chaos outside long ago.

Did they run out of the brothel?

The black-robed assassin was about to leave when he saw one last room at the end of the hall, its door closed tight. Refusing to give up the chase, he carefully approached the door, notched his crossbow arrow, and kicked it open.

“Who’s there?!” the man on the bed snarled immediately in response.

The black-robed assassin walked past the folding screen shielding the door and saw a handsome, half-dressed man atop a woman’s body. Frightened by the sudden intrusion, the woman beneath him had curled up against his chest and was trembling with fear as she hid her face. The assassin seemed to recognize this man, because he gave a minute start before recovering his senses. His eyes swept across the pair on the bed and noted that the covers hid part of their bare forms from sight.

The man’s legs were long and slender, but filled with strength, while the woman’s were fair and well-proportioned. Their entwined forms was the stuff of daydreams, though most of their bodies were still hidden beneath the covers. The man had half a shoulder exposed and one hand resting against the bed while the woman’s loose hair and exposed collarbones highlighted her sexy allure. The spicy scene turned tense beneath the black-robed assassin’s minute scrutiny.

Finally, the beautiful man narrowed his eyes dangerously and barked, “Do you want to die?!”

A complicated look flickered past the assassin’s eyes. He gave a final sweep around the room before replying coldly, “Apologies for the disturbance!”

He slowly withdrew from the room just as the sound of footsteps downstairs heralded the arrival of the imperial guards. The assassin took the chance to beat a hasty exit. At this moment, the two figures on the bed breathed a collective sigh of relief.

What a close call!