163 Deser (1/2)
After resting for a while, the Saiyans were ready to move out. When they were high in the air, they hadn't noticed that the buildings were completely empty. Broly first had hoped that they might find something, but it seemed like they would have to continue with empty-handed.
Although the fundamental structure was slightly cracked, it looked like it would remain for millions of years to come.
Without bothering to go into the hundreds of different buildings they continued on with their journey.
They had enough supplies to sustain themselves for another 2 weeks, so they wouldn't have to worry about it in the city.
If they were able to fly, they would have crossed it in a few hours but since they were bounded to the ground, it would take them a while. Fortunately, with the speed that they considered speed walking, they were swiftly crossing the city in a few days.
Considering the distance towards their destination that they were able to grasp when they were falling towards the ground, it would take them at least another week if there weren't any accidents on the way.
In the city besides the trees that were manually planted, there was nothing of interest. The city was like a ghost town. It was a weird sight as there weren't any indication of a big fight that would have eradicated the population in the city.
Of course, considering the toughness of the material it would be difficult to damage it, but if something was able to eradicate a race that had such formidable defenses, it would at least need to have enough destructive power to do so, right? But then why aren't there any damages?
It was more plausible that the city was abandoned, but what could have made them leave?
Obviously even if they pondered more about it, they wouldn't be able to come up with the correct answer. They could only speculate.
After 3 days they had crossed the ghost city and finally arrived the borders of it. Unlucky for them, they had to cross a desert next.
As soon as they stepped into the desert the temperature rose and it got hotter the deeper, they went into the desert. In the desert Kulaan was somewhat able to fly again.
Broly rode on his back and they quickly ascended into the sky and surveyed as much as they could. They saw what appeared to be an entrance a few hours away. Kulaan suddenly mentioned that he couldn't ascend or stay in the air anymore. He was being dragged to the ground again and could only glide.
Too bad. Broly had thought about using the dragon as transportation to bring them across the desert. Now that didn't seem possible anymore. It didn't make much sense as they were about the same speed if the dragon only glided.
They had walked for a few hours inside the desert and arrived at a sandstone temple-like door. Kulaan wasn't nearly as exhausted as the others. He said that he would sometimes bath in lava, so the temperature in the desert was nothing for him.
It was, however, difficult for him to walk long distances. So, rather than walk, he would jump into the air and glided alongside them.
The Exousians were happy to see the temple. They would be able to cool themselves off inside. Broly decided that they would stay for the night there as they hadn't found something similar in the near distance.
With the increased temperature, their consumption of water increased but it would be fine as long as they were able to cross the desert in a week. Broly was sure that it would be enough time to cross it as the desert didn't seem as big as the city.
The S-Fighter were the first to approach the temple. From the outside they could only see the big entrance door and the rest was buried into the sand.
With a kick Broly forced the door open. The two halves were flung against the side walls and were stopped with a bang. The temple shook and sand was falling from the ceiling. Broly stepped inside and immediately felt the chilly air as if the inside was completely undisturbed by the scorching heat outside.
As soon as the S-Fighters stepped inside, the door shut again. The elites outside banged against the door but it didn't look like they would be able to open it again. The S-Fighter also tried to pull it open from the inside, but they weren't able to budge it at all.