63 Nabakza (1/2)
They stepped off the stone staircase at the top, and Professor McGonagall rapped on the door. It opened silently and they entered.
”Doesn't it seem like I come here often Professor?” Said Arth in an attempt to make the mood lighter.
”Now is not the time to make jokes Kingscrown.” Replied Professor McGonagall with a stern look.
Arth sighed.
”What are the rumors even about?”
”You'll understand it soon enough.”
Arth sat there silently for a few seconds before taking out a book.
”Put that book away Kingscrown. Prepare yourself for what's to come.”
Arth sighed once more before putting away the book.
”I don't know why I'm here when I did nothing wrong.”
”Just because you don't think you did anything wrong, doesn't mean others don't.”
Arth narrowed his eyes.
”Are you saying someone suspects me of being the heir?”
Arth frowned and decided to wait patiently.
A soft weary voice came from within the room.
”Come in.”
Professor McGonagall opened the doors and led Arth inside.
The room was just like how it was when he had first entered. Mysterious and amazing. However, the magnificent red swan had turned into an old wrinkly bird.
It looked as though it was dying.
In front of the desk was a portly little man, with rumpled grey hair. He wore a lime green bowler hat with a pinstriped cloak.
Behind the desk was an all to familiar old man.
”Hello my boy Arth. It seems as though we are fated to meet.”
Arth gave a small smile.
”It seems like that doesn't it, although I would love to know why I am here today.”
”Are you telling me you don't know?”
”Know what?”
The man with the green bowler hat stood up.
”I reckon that's about enough Dumbledore. He doesn't need to know anymore.”
Dumbledore raised an eyebrow.
”I believe that my student has every right to know why he is in the headmasters office without any warning.”
”Does it matter?”
”It matters very much, especially for the boy.”
The man hesitated before sitting back down with a sigh.
Arth gave a quick glance at the green bowler hat man.
”So may I ask who this is?”
”Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge.”