31 I Feel Refreshed (1/2)
No one said a thing, for everybody was equally speechless.
Another smack.
The Slytherins finally realized that there was a very furious Arth murdering a somewhat small in comparison Draco. Arth had Draco by the shirt and one hand was continuously striking the small delicate nose of poor boy.
”G-get off me!”
”Why the fuck-”
The punches started to rain down harder and faster.
Marcus and a few other boys attempted to get Arth him.
”Oi, get off-”
Arth swing his arm back, his fist catching the side of Marcus's face, sending him sprawling.
”That little mother fucker! Get him boys.”
Seeing that the Slytherins where attempting to gang up on Arth, the Gryffindors prepares to join in on the scuffle, however, they soon stopped and stared.
Arth was holding out pretty well on the seemingly unfair battle of seven verses one, or since the seeker, Malfoy was already incapacitated so maybe it was six verses one... But it was nonetheless an unfair battle.
Yet the pitiful Slytherins were getting massacred.
Arth had abandoned the rag doll like Malfoy and turned around to catch the fist of the nearest Slytherin. Surprised, the Slytherin boy attempted to release himself but GeForce he could, Arth got up and pulled. The boy was flung towards Arth who then proceeded to knee the boy in the chest.
The boy let out a sound that resembled a bag losing air before crumpling to the four.
Five verses one.
Angry, the other five proceeded to tackle Arth. On grabbed his right arm, another grabbed his other arm. Two people proceeded to hold tight to Arth's right and left leg respectively. one of them gave a vehement kick to his side, and Arth heard a faint snap. Marcus popes his neck threateningly and walked up towards Arth.
Seeing this, Harry, Ron, and Hermione tried to stop them, but the rest of the Gryffindors held them back.
”Don't you see? He needs help!” Screamed Hermione.
”Yeah! He's our friend, we can't just let him get his ass kicked.”
”He did look pretty wicked-” ”Ron!” ”-thats right! We need to save him.”
”You started this fight, everything we do is self defense.”
Wood gazed at Arth with a interesting gaze.
”It's ok, right now, if we do nothing. The Slytherins will take a massive drop in reputation and points. Even if Arth started it, they did fight back. Plus-” Wood added seeing the furious gaze in Hermione's eyes. ”I don't think that he'll necessarily lose... call it my quidditch instinct.”
Fred frowned.
”But Wood... this has nothing to do with Quidditch?”
”...shut up George.”
”I'm Fred. Honestly, do you call yourself a quidditch team captain when you can't even identify your players?”
Marcus ignored the comedy show that was taking place a few meters away and stared at Arth.
”Quite pitiful how it can be considered self defense when there was seven of you and your enemy was a single second year, in sorry, a second year muggleborn. Quite pitiful, if I do say so myself.”
”Shut it Kingscrown, I wouldn't be so cocky, looking at the situation you are in.”