18 Holes (1/2)
Harry finally reached the last chamber, he had passed the devils snare, caught the key, won a chess match, and solved the riddle. He had abandoned two of his friends and lost one of them on the way here. He was not going to fail.
He saw a figure standing in front of a familiar mirror. He rushed out and pulled out his wand.
”It's over Snape. You are caught, you won't get the stone. Dumbledore will come in a few minutes.”
The man turned around but it wasn't Snape. It was Quirrell.
”You!” gasped Harry.
Quirrell smiled. His face wasn't twitching at all.
”Me,” he said calmly. ”I wondered whether I'd be meeting you here, Potter.”
Harry felt sick, it was another thing that Arth had gotten right.
”But I thought... Snape...”
”Severus?” Quirrell laughed, and it wasn't his usual quivering treble, either, but cold and sharp. ”Yes, Severus does seem the type, doesn't he? So useful to have him swooping around like an overgrown bat. Next to him, who would suspect p-p-poor, st-stuttering P-Professor Quirrell?”
”I did.”
Harry and Quirrell turned around and saw that there was a person in the shadows watching them with emotionless eyes. There were signs of burns on his robes and skin and his hair was all messed up, probably due to how fast he had to run here to catch up with them.
It was someone who Harry couldn't forget.
However, Arth just ignored him he continued to stare at Quirrell with an omniscient gaze.
”Your plan was quite good, your act was even better. However you still had a lot of holes.”
Arth slowly took out his wand and started to spin it on his fingers.
”Firstly, your lessons, while I first thought they were the blabbers of a broken man, you would sometime let meaningful information slip. I wouldn't find it suspicious if it was only that but the things you said because you could have read off of information from the course books. However, none of them where in any books.”
Arth stopped swirling his wand and held up a finger.
”That was one.”
Arth held up another finger.
”Second hole was the quidditch game. When Granger headed off to light Snape on fire, I was scanning the stands for any other suspects. Sure enough, you were staring at Harry, unblinkingly. Also, Ron and Hermione didn't notice but when she knocked you over, Harry had recovered his control, there was a five second interval between Harry recovering his broom and Snape getting distracted. This, I knew that Snape was in the clear.”
Quirrell let out a nervous laugh.
”Quite smart aren't you. Why did you not tell the teachers of your suspicions.”
”I was planning on leaving you alone, I had my trust in the other teachers' enchantments, plays, they wouldn't believe me even if I told them. However, the idiotic person right next to you decided he wanted to go on an adventure. I'm here to get him out safely.”
”Shut it Potter, I don't want to hear it.”
Arth finally gave an indication of knowing that Harry existed. Arth turned back to Quirrell and raised his third finger.
”Third hole, your ambitions. Professor Quirrell, before you met the ”Vampires” in Romania, you were timid, but not scared and absolutely terrified. Someone who had an aspiration to become someone big. And with your brilliant mind, a couple of vampires wouldn't be enough to traumatize you. So that means that something else changed who you were.”
Quirrell went white as he started to mutter to himself.
”Number four, the ridiculous turban that you started to wear after you were traumatized, you are hiding something under it. And what Harry saw during the night he had detention in the forbidden forest. Unicorn blood. Sound familiar?”
Arth held up his final and last finger.
”Five, the manner in which you speak to me right now contradicts how you should talk if you are traumatized. So that means someone is controlling your mind, or at least partially influencing it. So, after all of this, will you still choose to stay silent, Mr. Dark Lord.”
Quirrell froze, before giving a wicked smile.
”Impressive, I shall allow you to speak to my true self.