60 No? (1/1)
”Tell me child, what do you feel at this moment?” asked the Spider Queen as she paused her steps before appearing right before Leo. Her words were filled with seduction as she used her beautiful figure to try to control Leo's mind.
”Imagine a world where you could move freely. If you do not like someone, you could kill them with only a thought. I want that future for you, and I want to help you achieve all of the goals you have for yourself.”
”The only thing I would like in return, is your undying loyalty to me. Truth be told, it would only be a matter of time until you surpass me in strength. I want to be by your side as you help command my army. Will you be my king?” the Spider Queen asked Leo while looking in his eyes.
In this moment, Leo realized that the mission statement must have been true. Since the Spider Queen was unable to increase her personal strength any longer, she needed individuals around her who could surpass her in strength.
If the Spider Queen's children could accomplish this feat, then the Spider Queen would have gotten rid of Leo immediately. However, if she was willing to offer such a deal to him, it must mean that her children suffer from similar circumstances!
”You want me by your side and to rule over a bunch of worthless trash, including your direct descendants who show just a little more promise?” Leo asked trying to unleash his heroic aura. This did not affect the Spider Queen at all and she casually slapped him in the face.
”Humans are always completely full of themselves. You are in an impossible to escape situation, yet, you dare to threaten me and speak ill of my children I have raised for so many years?” the Spider Queen asked as she wiped off the blood dripping from Leo's mouth before sucking on her finger.
”It is only a matter of time until a rescue party arrives to save me. I am not from the village nearby, rather, I am from the powerful city and I am a noble's child as well!” trying to bluff his way to freedom, or at least to buy himself more time, Leo tried to now pull out all the hidden ideas he saved up.
”Oh, I see, a son of a noble from a city?” the Spider Queen now replaced her seductive positioning and features, with a coldness that pierced through Leo's heart. ”If that is the case, I should reward you, someone who has such a background.” The Spider Queen replied as she swiftly cut Leo down from the webbing.
What Leo realized when she did this, was that the Spider Queen left enough webbing to keep him tightly in a bind. Although he was now laying on the ground facing her now, his current set of circumstances hasn't changed in the slightest!
”Nobles, always living for themselves and trying to rule over others. I was praised like a noble, but I always found myself connecting more with the commoners of my spider tribe.” The Spider Queen, now looking down at Leo started to speak yet again with a more forceful and hateful tone in her voice.
”Your death will not be a good one. I will have you starve while in complete control of your strength. As your body becomes weaker and weaker, you will slowly lose hope, until you lose your mind. I will make sure to place you with the rest of the food, but you will never be given the freedom that death brings and will always suffer!”
Hearing the Spider Queen's choice on how to deal with him, Leo could only begin planning his escape now. It was possible that since he was captured, that he would be thrown somewhere that a scouting party from the village could find him. However, that would be the worst-case scenario.
Leo knew that if he was able to use his strength or the surrounding area to his advantage, that he could eventually free himself from the webbings and retreat towards the village. ”Time, what I need to keep in mind is only time!” he thought as the Spider Queen dragged him out of her lair.
”I do not know why there is such a lack of living corpses here, but nonetheless, it will not change any of my plans.” The Spider Queen commented as she threw Leo's body into the rest of the pile of living creatures who were also wrapped in webbing.
”Maybe if you have a change of heart when I come to check on you for the last time, I will allow you to serve my cause.” The Spider Queen said as she finally left Leo. In truth, she did not pick up on the fact that Leo already had an escape plan, since he was still rather scared if he couldn't escape on his own.