Chapter 318 - Chaos (1/2)
Usually, a mage has to train for a long time, learn spells, or better understand this world and magic to come close to breaking the Barrier. But, deadly situations have always been one of the best ways to become stronger, no matter the time or even the world.
One could gain strength and reach heights one never dreamed of before by overcoming oneself. When a mage approached the breakthrough of his Barrier, he had to spend quite a lot of time breaking every link in the chain around his Warp.
However, when the Jade Serpent made his final attack, which was to kill Evan, he broke through his first Barrier. Evan had never heard of such a thing before, no mage should have broken through the Barrier so abruptly without prior preparation. But Evan didn't have time to think about it.
As he broke through the Barrier, a Splash occurred. A large amount of gray energy with a purple hue came out of his body. Thanks to the ordeal he had passed in the Devil's Horn, Evan now knew that this energy represented his power - chaos.
Evan bounced sharply to the side, past the Jade Serpent's jaws. Even though he had just broken through his first Barrier, it did not add to Evan's strength. He could fight for no more than a couple more minutes and only make a few more attacks.
<My power is chaos, but... I don't know how to control it, but I have to try.> Evan thought and waved his hand toward the Jade Serpent.
That energy was the only weapon Evan had left. He had mana, but he didn't have enough power to focus on casting any spell. Moreover, he doubted that the spells he could use now would do any harm to the Jade Serpent.
Evan tried to control the energy, but he failed. It just kept spreading out from his body.
While Evan was trying to figure out what he needed to do to control that energy, the Jade Serpent attacked again. His tail transformed into a whiplash-like motion and struck Evan with all its might. He flew back a few meters, tearing out a mouthful of blood.
”Damn, my power is unbelievably strong, but it's just impossible to control it,” Evan muttered, looking at the gray energy emanating from his body.
The Jade Serpent slowly approached him with a menacing hiss.
<Wait a minute. Chaos cannot be controlled or is incredibly difficult. However, I don't have to own it, for I am its source. I need to give it more power. Chaos needs to be given freedom.> Evan thought to himself.
He remembered himself during the ordeal. He had been in Rid's character then and hadn't realized it was him. But, the most important thing was not who he had turned into, but how the world had changed.
<That world most likely consisted entirely of chaos energy, and though it was constantly changing, it was one unified whole. To control chaos, I must not have dominion over it. I must become a cog in this crazy world on which the course of events will depend.>
Evan realized that there was no point in controlling this power by force. Moreover, there was no point at all. This power belonged to him as it was. He just had to understand his role. Evan decided that the only true option would be to become part of this power, just like in the fictional world.
The Jade Serpent attacked again, but Evan had no intention of dodging. He stood still and seemed very focused on some process. The next moment Evan relaxed, and ten times more chaos energy came out of his body than before. It wasn't like a wave but like a real tsunami that swallowed up everything around him.