Chapter 189 - The Long Dream (2/2)
After Evan reached the” One-Pointed Star,” his mana accumulation rate increased significantly, but his mana capacity also became much higher. As before, it took Evan about five minutes to replenish his mana supply. The speed was truly unimaginable.
Evan left the house and went to the first snack bar he could find. At that moment, he didn't care what to eat, anything would do. At once, Evan ordered everything on the menu and waited for his food.
The waitress was surprised by this order, it had never happened before, but she quickly brought Evan his order.
For the first few minutes, Evan ate like a wild animal. At that moment, he did not care how he looked, and the basic rules of etiquette did not interest him.
After Evan had eaten a few large and hearty dishes, he realized that it had been a little overzealous to order so much food. He wouldn't have eaten that much food even if he hadn't eaten in a year.
Evan drank an entire bottle of wine, paid for all 200 ”Moon Coins,” and headed for the Academy. He was full now, his ”Warp” was loaded with mana, and his strength and energy were overwhelming.
”Phew, I finally came to my senses. That was really hard.” Mumbled Evan as he approached the Academy building.
He came back here for three reasons: first, he needed to choose his first-level spells. Secondly, he wanted to see what lessons were coming up. He entered the Academy over two months ago, but he had not yet been to a single lesson.
Evan had been busy up to this point, moreover, he now had the knowledge from the Academy's 20,000,000 books in his head. Evan was sure that no student before him had read all these books.
To his surprise, Evan went to the timetable, found his class, and found that he was no longer in it.
<I see, since I'm a student of the first rank now, I've been assigned to a different class, but it doesn't make much difference. If I need any help I can always go to Draven.>
Evan thought, looking for which class he was now in.
<Class C, not bad, do they really think that a person who's just recently become a first ranked student is stronger than almost half of the other students of the first rank?>
To be honest, Evan was a bit puzzled by the situation. He would not have been surprised if he had been assigned to Class F, and that would have been logical since he had not yet proven himself as a first-ranked student.
Many classes did not interest Evan. Most of the lessons to be held soon focused on alchemy and blacksmithing. But, something caught his eye.
<Classes on the basic fundamentals of spell making... curious....>.
As soon as Evan read the topic of the class, a fire lit up in his eyes. Creating his own spells was an incredible opportunity. Evan understood that it was probably very difficult. Few people would be able to create a powerful spell that was better than hundreds of others. But, Evan never stopped in the face of difficulty. His interest was growing by the second, and he couldn't wait for class to start.
Luckily, the lesson would be in just two hours. You could say Evan was right on time.. All he had to do was keep himself busy until the class started.