34 Fall Camping Trip (1/2)

Hearing someone call out the princess's name, they soon saw an elf maid with peach color hair blowing in the wind, rushing towards their direction. ”Princess, this is where you've been!” Stopping to catch her breath, the maid placed a hand over her beating heart, happy to see that the princess was well and unharmed.

A second later she realized that the princess was not alone, taking notice of the children.”Umm, princess, who are these people?” The maid kindly stepped closer to the princess, bending down her head to whisper into her ear.

Opening her mouth, she was ready to respond only to have the school bell cut off what she was about to say. The maid standing by her side hastily grabbed the princess's wrist. ”Princess, you can not be late. A tardy mustn't ruin your perfect attendance.” After saying this, the two figures quickly left the scene, leaving nothing but a cloud of dust behind.

”Well... that was interesting.” Akihiko rose from his chair, ready to leave, but paused as if he forgot something. Walking back over to Maria, soft chubby cheeks turned rosy when she felt a pair of light feathery lips peck her on the cheek.

”Bye, Darling-Ack!” flirtatiously sang Akihiko with a wink, only to choke when the collar of his shirt was suddenly constricting his throat. The icy breeze coming nearby made him shudder as if he was stranded in the freezing winter with no source of warmth.

”Akihiko, it looks like we'll have to have another talk about you being inappropriate with Maria-chan.” The warm gentle smile on Richard's face only made Akihiko's shudder even worse, noticing how those hint of malice in his best-friend aura.

”W-Wait! Ri-chan, forgive-”

”Not acceptable. Now let's head on to class; see you tomorrow, Maria!” Richard shot the brunette a sincere and gentle smile before dragging the blue-faced Akihiko behind him.

”Think he's going to be okay?” asked Mai to which Maria answered with a blank face.


Now that Maria thought about it, Akihiko only started doing this new goodbye ritual of his a few months ago, and no matter how much Richard threatened him, he still didn't stop. 'Hang in there, Akihiko!' She wished the dark-haired boy well.

Following the lead of those who left before them, the small group of three made their way to class, sitting in their seats, which allowed them to sit close by each other. The classroom was filled with the chattering of students, only to quiet down when their teacher walked inside the classroom.

”Students, I have a big announcement to make. Three weeks from today you all will be taking a trip to Amber Mountain, where Diamond Academy will be hosting its annual camping trip. ” This immediately got the student's attention as everyone seemed familiar with their teacher's subject of announcement.

”The duration of this event is exactly one week. Now the purpose of this trip is to help you all grow by understanding and strengthening your magic,” said their teacher as this caused the students to start whispering amongst each other.

”So it's finally that time, huh. If I remember correctly, this activity is only for third and fourth graders, allowing the two grades to blend and undergo activities together,” Julian brought to their attention, only for it to be stolen by Mai when she snapped her fingers.

”Meaning that Ri-senpai and Aki-senpai will be joining us! Yay, it'll be just like lunchtime” cheered Mai having grown close to the two during the time they have spent together.