31 Mais Sorrowful Pas (2/2)

”The direction Mai-chan's taking her, isn't that where...”

Instead of answering Lullaby's question, Duchess Dior remained silent, eyes staring at the direction the two girls just ran off towards.


”Mai, where are we going?” Maria asked her friends, blindly allowing Mai to drag her along. Though even she was curious about their destination. Mai was running so fast that Maria was unable to admire all the exotic flowers that were blooming in the gardens. After a while, Mai finally stopped running and let go of Maria's wrist.

What appeared before them was a sea of white jasmine flowers; colorful butterflies were fluttering in the air, creating the perfect harmony. That was not the only thing that caught Maria's attention.

Following behind Mai, the two stopped in front of a huge angel carved tombstone. The engraving on the tombstone read: In Loving Memory of Jasmine.

”Hi, mom. I always said that when I brought my first friend home I would introduce them to you.” Even though there was a smile on Mai's face, an air of melancholy surrounding her. This was Maria's first time witnessing such an emotion coming from Mai of all people, so used to seeing the girl being lively and fearless.

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”When I saw you and your mom, it brought back memories of the times I shared with my own mom. I am a bastard child, born from a horrible man and a poor maid. When Duke Dior was still alive, he took a trip to where the duchess once lived and instantly became infatuated with her beauty.” Mai began to tell the story of how Duke Dior first met the duchess.

”When it came time for him to leave, he offered her family tons of gold, just so he could have her hand in marriage. Instead of fighting for her, the duchess father relinquished his daughter to the duke without a fight, who then her brought back to Astral with him.” Maria patiently listened to Mai, detecting a touch of anger and grief in the girl's voice.

”The duke constantly spoiled the duchess and his eldest daughter, big-sis Isis with nothing but luxury, but one night, he forced himself onto a maid who later bore him a second child. That maid was my mother who had loyally followed the duchess from her home country. Since the day I was born, he abused both of us. Always venting his anger onto us. Saying that it was my birth mother's fault for seducing him! That it was because of her that the duchess did not return his love!”

The air of animosity Mai was releasing scared Maria. The abuse the duke gave Mai and her mother had permitted left scars that most likely still have not fully head yet. Mai once cheery and warm voice suddenly took on a hard edge as she continued with her story.

”We lived in fear each day. The duchess and Isis tried to help us, but their sincerity only made the Duke hate us more. So they put a stop to it whenever the Duke was home. I always thought that as long as I had my mom, I could get through each day.” Mai took a breath of air, trying to keep her voice steady and calm, but the pain she felt everything she recalled this particular memory cause teardrop to fall down her cheeks.

”Until that day happened; the duke had returned back to the manor in a rage, and since I was the first person he saw that evening, he immediately vented his anger out on me. I can barely remember what happened next; the only thing I remember is the heavy blows of his fist connecting with my body, my mother screaming as she rushed forth and embraced me in her arms. Taking the blows meant for me, never loosening her hold, even when blood trickled down her forehead.”

”Mai, mom is sorry for being weak.”

”If I was stronger, maybe I could have protected you better.”

”No matter what happens, Mai, always remember that mommy loves you.”

”During the beating I must have passed out, seeing how the next morning when I woke up, I had learned that my mother died from the injuries inflicted on her from the Duke when she had come to my rescue. Two days later, the duke mysteriously died from an unknown illness.”

Fist balled tight, Mai felt angry at herself, ”Even after the death of that man, I still blamed myself. It was my own weakness that killed my mom. That was why I made a vow to myself. Never again will I ever feel so powerless. That next time, I will protect those precious to me!”

Maria felt tears sting her eyes, seeing this strong, beautiful, and confident girl, who despite her tormented past, refused to let the shackles of her past hold her down. Despite all the pain Mai must have endured, she still had the strength to run towards her future. Suddenly Maria gripped her chest as a sharp pain of nostalgia hit her, a familiar face flashed into her mind.

'Granny? Why did her face suddenly flashed in my head!' Maria raised a hand to her forehead, feeling a sharp pain from not only her head but also her heart. 'Why when I saw granny face... my heart feels so heavy and empty?'

”Maria, are you okay?” It was Mai's voice that stopped Maria from going into full panic mode. Staring into those large amber eyes, Mai was caught off guard when Maria suddenly pulled her into a hug.

'I can worry about my own problems later...' Maria knew now was not the time to be worried about herself and push her own problems aside.

”Nothing was your fault, Mai. You are so brave. That sometimes I wished I possessed the same confidence as you. Your mom loved you very much and she is so proud of the person you are turning out to be.” Breaking away from her, Maria held Mai's hand and faced the gravestone with a smile on her face.

”Hello, Mai's mom! I'm Maria~! A friend to your daughter, and as long as Mai will allow it, I hope that we can remain friends until the end of time. Thank you for giving birth to such a wonderful person. Don't worry, I'll try to watch over her recklessness.”

Mai was speechless as she stared at Maria. Those big amber eyes were suddenly filled with tears, throwing her arms around Maria's neck who returned the hug. In no time, the scene suddenly changed into two girls, standing in the center of jasmine flowers, butterflies flying around them, crying of sadness and happiness while in each other arms.