27 Victorious (2/2)
Though the feeling of accomplishment that came with this victory made her pump her fist in the air and yell out, ”I did it! I defeated a magical beast! Yes! Yes! Yes!” It took a few minutes of whooping and yelling for Maria to notice that she caused a lot of eyes to point in her direction. Feeling greatly embarrassed by her moment of happiness, she fled the stage and reunited with her friends, where she was congratulated.
”I'm so happy for you, Maria!” Maria was shocked to have Julian hug her first; joining Julian soon after was Mai.
”I knew you could do it!”
”Thanks! I'm so lucky to have you guys,” said Maria, words which were genuinely meant, hugging them even tighter. For the rest of the day, the three watched the rest of the matches. Each grade went in order; once all the first-graders were finished, it was now time for the second graders.
When it came to Akihito and Richard, the first unleashed a powerful destructive lightning spell, while Richard won his match so fast that Maria didn't even know the type of magic he used. When it came time for the fourth graders, the beasts became notedly stronger and moved up a rank. When it became Isis turn, Mai whipped out her pom-poms and cheered loudly for her big sister.
The older sister shot her younger sister a smile and a wave, before focusing on her match which she won effortlessly. Earning praise from teachers and students who witnessed such a young girl pull off a 5th tier Light Spell without a problem. Maria watched her brother also win his match by using an Earth Spell attack and beaming a victory smile her way afterward.
'Looks like Micheal inherited the same magic attribute as mom.' Maria returned her brother's smile with one of her own.
By the time Final Exams came to an end, it was around noon. Stepping through the door of the Rosendrey Manor with her brother, Maria was not expecting to be met with her parents unleashing streamers and confetti with a banner that read: ”Congratulations Maria on completing your first-year!”
”Wha...! What is all this?!” Maria found herself lifted up into her father's arms, who shot her a proud smile.
”We wanted to congratulate you on succeeding onto the next grade and for passing your exam.”
”But how did you know I would pass?”
”Mama had nothing but faith in my adorable Maria~!” gushed her mother, holding fans with pictures and her name printed on them.
”And because I informed them right after your success, ojou-sama,” said Shirone, holding a Crystal Butterfly in her hands, which was how she got in contact with her parents so fast.
”Ah, now that makes sense,” Maria said, held in her father's arms who carried her to the Dining Room, pushing open the door. Maria saw waiting for her was a buffet of delicious gourmet food, along with a three-tier chocolate cake iced with buttercream frosting, decorated with chocolate truffles and salted caramel macarons.
”Wait, shouldn't this celebration be for big-bro too?” Maria didn't want her brother to feel left out as well.
”Don't worry, we threw Micheal a Congratulation Celebration when he passed his first Final Exam.”
Her father was quick to soothe her worries as her brother also reassured her. ”Don't worry about me, Maria, today is for you.”
”We would also like to say congratulations to you as well, ojou-sama.” Both Shirone and Kuroka formally thanked her. Surrounded by family, warm kindness, and food, Maria couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with happiness, blessed to have been bestowed such a kind family.
'I don't know why I was brought into this world, but whoever you are that brought me here, thank you for giving me such a wonderful family.'
Somewhere, in another realm, the image of the happy family was broadcasted to two pairs of eyes, and a woman smiled.
”It seems your wish has been granted,” the woman spoke to the unseen individual standing next to her, who said nothing but smiled at the sight of Maria's happiness with her new family and life.