22 The Gold Leo Squadron (2/2)

”So should I give back the necklace? I don't feel good about taking stolen goods,” confessed Maria, only for Isis to reassure her.

”You can keep it; my mother is good friends with the person this item was stolen from. I'll ask her to put in a good word for you. ” Isis winked playfully at Maria as the group continued to find fun activities.


Before leaving, the group wanted to ride one more ride, a ride that Maria was currently sharing with Julian, which was the Ferris Wheel. Sitting beside the purple-haired boy, Maria became worried once she saw how pale his skin turned.

”Julian, are you okay?”

”Y-Yeah! I-I'm completely fine!” He was lying; there was no way he was fine, judging by how pale his skin had turned added with his body shaking uncontrollably, Maria thought to herself.

”Julian, by any chance... are you afraid of heights?”

Maria knew she hit the nail on the head when she saw his body jerk and felt her heart go soft. Scooting closer to him, she put his head in her lap and began patting his head. ”It's okay; you don't have to fret. In a little while, this whole thing will be over.”

”...Sorry for once again showing such a weak and embarrassing side of myself. I want to become strong... I'm trying but sometimes it seems so meaningless. Even now, I still pass out after entering Stella Aurorae gate.” A sigh of pity escaped Julian, laying bare his insecurities in front of the person that he wanted to appear strong for.

”People just don't automatically become strong, Julian. Becoming a strong person takes work and patience. Give it time, I assure you that one day you will become a strong person.”

”Do... Do you really mean that? Me of all people?” Julian hesitantly asked, unable to identify this warm bubbly feeling that was growing inside him.

”Of course~! You just got to believe in yourself just as I believe in you.” Never had Julian experienced someone putting so much trust in him. Not himself, nor his own parents, fully believed that he could change, that he could, in fact, become someone who was strong and overcame his own insecurities.

”Thank you, Maria, for being such a good friend.”

”Anytime, Julian.”


After the whole trip to the carnival came to a close, everyone went their separate ways; Maria returned home with her brother, and life continued on as normal. Maria continued attending Diamond Academy, ignoring the dirty looks that she had by now grown accustomed to.

In class, each time Ms.Nunnally would bring up Diamond Academy's annual Graduation Exam, which was growing closer, butterflies would set loose in the pit of her stomach. In order for children to graduate and move up a grade in the Elementary Division. The school assigned an exam for them at the end of the year.

Which included them going against low rank, magical beast-type creature, something which made Maria feel scared out of her mind. These fears only got worse when she began having nightmares of being chased around by a Flame Bear trying to set her on fire and an Iron Raven releasing iron blades upon her.

This made it hard for Maria to get an ounce of sleep and be overwhelmed with anxieties. Out of all things, she did not want to fail her exam, but just how was she, a transmigrated first-grader, supposed to fight against a fantasy magical creature!

When Maria talked to her mother about her anxieties over tea-and-cake time, the beautiful brunette reassured her daughter with a big hug and smile, and announced, ”You are going to visit your grandparents!”

To which Maria couldn't help but ask herself, 'Just how is that supposed to help me?!'