6 Aftermath (1/2)
Upon opening her eyes, Maria was met with the familiar sight of her bedroom ceiling; slowly sitting up, she saw both Kuroka and Shirone cleaning and straightening up things in her room. Blinking her eyes sleepy, both maids quickly turned their attention towards their ojou-sama and almost cried tears of joy upon seeing her awake.
”Ojou-sama, you finally opened your eyes,” cried Kuroka, running over to her ojou-sama's bed.
”I'm so happy to see you up, ojou-sama. I'm ashamed of my lack of ability of not being able to protect you properly.” Shirone had her head down, angry with herself for allowing her ojou-sama to have become injured.
”Protect me?” Maria muttered confusedly, only to remember the whole situation that happened at the Archduchess's tea party before she had gotten injured and blacked out.
”That's right! I had gotten hurt! Shirone, how long have I been out?” asked Maria.
”For about twelve hours, ojou-sama. It's now getting close to noontime,” answered Shirone.
”Wow, I've been out for a long time,” sheepishly grinned Maria, scratching her head before taking in the depressed expressions both of her maids were making. ”Maa, cheer up! I don't like others being depressed, besides it is normal for people to make mistakes. You just have to look at the bright side of things. The Archduchess is okay and so am I!” said Maria. Her words managed to slightly lessen the guilt both maids were feeling in their hearts. Though, nevertheless, they promised themselves to be more vigilant when it came to their ojou-sama.
Maria was about to say something more when her door was busted open by her mother, who immediately shot her eyes over to Maria, who jumped at the sudden intrusion. Instantly tears filled her mother's eyes before she rushed over to Maria, engulfing her in a hug as she burst into tears.
'Okaa-chan, I can't breathe!' wailed Maria, who had her head smothered against her mother's large bosom. Soon walking into her room was her brother and father. Just like her mother, they immediately looked towards her direction, before rushing over to hug her.
”Maria, Papa's heart broke once he heard what had happened to you. Don't worry, such a thing shall never happen to you again,” vowed her father, hugging the opposite side of her, across from her mother.
”Don't worry, Imoto, next time just run to me, and I'll definitely protect you. Damn it, the first time was with that bratty prince and now it comes from a mercenary! Why is Maria always targeted?” It was obvious that her brother was angry at how this was the second time his precious little sister had ended up hurt and was nowhere to protect her.
'Never again shall I get myself hurt. 'Cause at the moment... I can't breathe!' shouted Maria, literally smothered in the comfort of an overly emotional family. Finally, after her parents and brother had calmed themselves down, happy to see that Maria was well, the questions Maria wanted to ask were answered.
It seemed that right before the woman who was hired to assassinate the Archduchess made her escape, she injured Maria with a poison dagger. Luckily, the Archduchess made a call for the Imperial Physician to come and heal Maria's injury. Sometime later when the Archduke arrived back home, quickly finding out that his wife was almost assassinated, he immediately began conducting an investigation. The information which he received led to him discovering that the woman who appeared in the manor was none other than the deadly assassin, Lady Poison. A woman who was known to be skilled in the art of poison and was also a member of the famous mercenary group, Vixens.