Chapter 19:Goblins 4 (1/2)

Dick Evolution! Born1K 49090K 2022-07-22

After cumming Jurion pulled out his anal impaler.

He spread Marcelin asscheeks, each pussy lip kissing each other, her backdoor gaped.

[That is a good view] Jurion thought.

Marcelin fell on her left side exhausted.

”I'm sorry if I hurt you.” He embraced her from behind in a spoon position and planted a kiss on her right shoulder.

She turned towards Jurion, ”Its okay, it doesn't actually hurt. Its only uncomfortable.” She placed her left hand on Jurion's cheeks then kissed him.

They savored each others embrace for a moment feeling their bodies sweat from their vigorous pleasure exercise.

Their eyes met, both wondered what each of them were thinking, their breathing evident.

Marcelin felt more and more attached to Jurion, she felt secured and safe around him.

”Anyway, do you know this?” He pulled out the phone and showed picture with the pink tattoo on her back.

”What is that? I never had any tattoos before. This is odd. But its kind of cool.”

”Yeah, its actually sexy. But if you don't know anything about it then how did it end up in there?”

”I don't have any idea.”

”Do you feel anything about it?”

”No. Nothing.”

”As long as it doesn't do you any harm then I think its okay.”

”Yeah, I actually like the design. Maybe it's a side effect of our soul bind?”


They continued to basked in after sex glow.

Their bodies seemed to shine and full of life.






”Should we go again?” she teased.

Jurion smirked.

After another round of vaginal sex they fell asleep until morning.

Marcelin was awakened by Jurion's loving affection, she received several smooches on her lips.

She smiled, ”Hey good morning!” Her eyes still heavy from her deep slumber.

”Good morning! Is it okay if I leave you here? I'm going back to planet Berdin to do something and look for anything we can sell.”

”Okay sure. Just make sure to come back in one piece okay?”

”I will take care of myself, do not worry. Go back to sleep some more.”

The kissed each other goodbye.

Jurion arrived at planet Berdin, he went straight to the cave he found earlier.

”Time to test my new skill.”


Several goblin exploded and instantly died.

Pow! Pow! Pow!

Fire bullets penetrated the goblins bodies guarding the entrance.

Other goblins coming out of the cave was also hit.


Another fire grenade exploded.

It was a mass murder.

All of the goblin in the entrance died.

[This new skill is awesome, needs a lot of time to cast but definitely worth it.]

After the scene calmed down, Jurion inspected all of the corpses and didn't find anything useful.

He entered the cave cautiously.

Several meters ahead, he saw five bifurcations.

[Lots of entrance huh, I wonder how many goblins are residing here?]

He explored the furthest left first.

The cave was dark but there are some torches, he light it up using the fire bullets.

He walk several hundreds of meters and found another three pathway.

[More choices? I hope I won't get lost in here. ]

He put an x mark on the wall of the furthest left entrance and entered it.

After another 50 meters or so another three more passageway.

”Is this a maze?” Jurion muttered.

He put another x mark on the furthest left and proceed with it.

A moment later.


Tog tog tog!

Several small green creatures run towards him.

His body slowly covered with black flames and burned his clothes.

Pow! Pow! Pow!


Five goblins fell on the ground.



A goblin managed to slice a knife on Jurion's right leg causing damage.

-10 Gluttony!

Knife cut detected...

Developing a resistance....

Resistance to damage from Cutting Weapons 1%...

He jumped on his left throwing a side kick on the goblin.


Pow pow pow!


A goblin toppled after being hit by fire bullets, its face full of holes.

[I can't use the fire grenades in a crowded place like this unless I want to hurt myself.

Also not to attract the goblins living in here.

Plus I might cause a land slide here, it would bad if I get trapped.

I can just teleport to hell when that happens but I guess I need to fully explore this area so I can get all the treasures I can get.]

He walked again for several meters, another attack!

He suffered another slice on his right arm.

Resistance to Sharp objects 10%.... 15%...

[So this armor is actually developing a resistance for me continuously even if I don't get the same damage, I just need to suffer one damage and it will automatically develop itself, doped! This is over powered.]

”Ah...Please help...Please...Anyone?” A weak voice echoed in the cave.

Jurion pursued where the moan was coming from.

A few meters away, a room like structure is found in the right wall, inside torches were attached on the walls illuminated the area.

Jurion placed his back to the wall and slowly peaked at the room.

Women about 15 of them, their hands on chains bounded in the cave wall.

Frail looking, malnourished and nude.

Most of them almost lifeless.

Their cheek bones apparent, tits sagging.

Thier bellies swelled like a size of three basketballs.

The nearest girl, her abdomen suddenly wriggled as if something inside wants to come out.

[Disgusting! What did they do to them?]

”Ahhhhh!” A loud scream which suddenly stopped.


Their abdomens popped.

5 tiny green creatures coming out of each women.

The green midgets started to feast on the corpses' organs.

Nom! Nom! Nom! Nom! Nom!


An explosion in the room.

Jurion threw a fire grenade inside the room killing all of the vile creatures.

”Piece of shits!”

The ground shook, a hoard of goblin coming on his way.

Still angry by the scene before, Jurion mustered all his rage and threw fire balls and fire grenades on the coming enemies.


Pow pow pow!

”Argh! Wah!” The goblins screamed.


-10 Gluttony!

Jurion received a blow on his stomach by a wooden club.

Blunt Damage detected...

Developing a resistance...

Blunt Damage resistance...1%

He jump back still shooting everything on sight, he managed to get a short sword and started to hack the nearby goblins.



Pow! Pow! Pow!


An hour passed, all the goblin hoard on the ground butchered.

Main Quest:

Slay 10,000 goblins.

Progress: 1,267/10,000.

Jurion put 500 points in Envy.


Speed, agility and dexterity have increased!

500 on Wrath.

Ding! physical and magic attack increased!

157 on Sloth.

He felt his muscles has more strength and his senses heightened.

He tried sprinting forward and shockingly his speed was doubled.