6 Someone from the pas (1/2)
Judal looked at the lady and saw two expression on her face, the first being that despair that other being anger.
Judal didn't know what she had been through at that moment but he decided to stop joking and say some encouraging words ”Don't cry, your knight in shining armour has saved you from the danger”.
Judal voice very charming this time as he had put more effort as sounding as comforting possible.
The lady opened her eyes and saw that she wasn't dead and was in the arms of the pervert that had been looking at her body.
Unlike previously she did not blurt out any insults and just shyly said: ”thank you”.
”you don't have to thank me, Rina”.
She was about today something else when she noticed that this person knew her name, she immediately looked at him and took out her sword and said: ”how do you know my name”.
Judal was cursing himself for saying her name out of the blue without even telling her who he was.
Judal slowly smiled and showed his white set of teeth and said: ”aghhh, don't tell me you have forgotten me, I thought we were meant to marry each other two years ago, sad”.
Slowly judal pretended as of a tear was coming out of his led eye and he was cleaning it with his left index finger.
”don't tell me, is it you”.
Judal nodded
When he did he immediately regretted as the next thing saw was her running towards him.
He thought she was coming to hug him but the next thing that happened was something that he will remember for life.
When Rina got close she immediately kicked him in his family jewels.
Judal, yelled out in pain and said ”why would you do that Rina”.
”what do I mean, you mean that you still could ask that question after leaving me and running away after out engagement was so close?”. Rina
Judal also remembers that and also felt sad for her so he immediately said ”i couldn't do anything about that, I didn't want you to see me slowly die in front of you after our marriage”. Judal
”I didn't care if you were going to die, all I cared about was getting married to you but you still ignored my choice and did what you believed is right” Rina
”And how are you still alive, I thought that you would die in a year and now your standing in front of me as if you weren't sick at all”
”please calm and let me explain”.
After he said that judal immediately went shopping anthe d bought two comfortable chairs and brought them out.
He signalled for her to sit down on the chair, she hesitantly did so after she sat down judal sit next to her while looking in her eyes and said ”after I left you, I went to look for a cure that can heal my illness so I could get back together.
I went to many countries to find pills and medicine master a that could have a chance in healing me, but to no avail I couldn't find anything that could help me heal my body until 1 year ago when I came upon ancient tomb of immortal God in this country, hidden in a cave, I went their and went through many trials until I finished the trials and gained his bloodline, his bloodline broke down my body to a small atom and from that point my body slowly started to draw at an imaginable speed to repair my whole body, while this process was happening it also cured my illness along with giving back a bit of my cultivation but it took a whole year.