18 The Hun (1/2)
The annual hunt occurred in the woods to the far left of the palace, away from severe mountainous landscape. It took a half day journey therefore, most people camped the day before, including the emperor. By the time Disung and Joaolong arrived in the afternoon, bright tents littered the field.
Nothing exciting happened for the rest of the day nor night. Either people drank to hide their nerves or slept early to prepare their bodies. Disung complained loudly throughout his guard duty, wasting time by eating a ridiculous amount of food or playing pranks on drunken people. The acts were harmless but proved his lack of maturity. For this exact reason, Joaolong enjoyed Disung's company. The carefree attitude encouraged him to forget his own worries, including the empress's wish. The stress and pressure of this request made it hard to sleep.
The next day, both men dressed in dark greens and browns to camouflage into the landscape. The cheap fabric – hanging loosely to conceal their weapons – blended with commoners clothing. The only sign of their nobility were the badges on the horses' saddles.
”Keep your bow ready to draw from the very start today,” Disung advised.
”This isn't my first hunt,” Joaolong said as he led a black stallion – a present from the empress – to the arena.
Disung shrugged. ”I have a feeling today will be different from previous years. More dangerous than ever before.”
”So far, there is no danger,” Joaolong replied when they reached the open space.
Overnight, the even ground transformed into a half-fenced yard with a platform for the emperor to oversee everything on a substitute throne. Already, many men stood on the grass, ready to charge into the forest. The line into this area wound for metres. Men walked through a small entranceway on the fenced side and gave a worker their identification documents for verification. This gave solid evidence to families to confirm whether their relative died in the hunt.
”Master Wang Joaolong! Ànshù! Join us,” Huli invited when his eyes spotted Joaolong entering the arena.
The prince and a few younger noblemen, both from the palace and imperial city, gathered together in front of their horses. Their clothes, although plain in colour, oozed wealth from the material glimmer, patterns and intricate embroidery. Joaolong raised his eyebrows at their outfits. Only fools paraded their fortune in a hunt full of varying status and no rules. It made them targets for thievery.
”I fear my company isn't preferred especially with a reckless guard. It would be a disgrace,” Joaolong replied when he approached.
”We were just discussing your guard. It seems he has been mischievous. I heard he played games with other competitors. Mao Gengxin was just confessing that Ànshù hid his weapons and left little clues as if it were a child's treasure hunt. He had to climb a tree to retrieve his sword.”
The men all chuckled, the alcohol in their hands helping raise their spirits.
”I hope you will not punish Ànshù. A great warrior needs practice in different scenarios to keep sharp. These actions were as harmless as they are foolish,” Joaolong said.
”I understand but I cannot be so merciful next time. Thank fate that he misbehaves during a merry occasion or else I wouldn't be forgiving,” Huli replied, showcasing his authority. ”Drink?”
Disung stretched his hand out towards a goblet. ”I would gladly accept—”
”We must not or I fear we embarrass ourselves,” Joaolong interrupted and restrained Disung.
”There is nothing wrong with a drink of comradery before a grand event. I am the Crowned Prince and you will drink if I order you.” Huli filled a cup that matched his own with contents from a flask. A missing gem on the cup captured Joaolong's attention but didn't dare mention it. Growing up in the palace gave him the experience of Huli's short temper and wrath over small things.
”To the most magnificent hunt and those who prosper!” Huli cheered.
”To those who prosper!” The chorus of men repeated and raised their cups before drinking.
The wine tasted incredibly strong, fermented over a long period of time. It burned Joaolong's throat and he gagged at the lingering sweetness on his tongue. However, he forced himself to drink the whole contents. Huli would claim him rude and defying if he left a single drop.
”Another?” Huli suggested.
The prince's smile gave Joaolong goosebumps. Their relationship had never been pleasant and the prince only showed pleasure if Joaolong suffered. Something was wrong.
”Men! Listen closely!” The emperor stood and held up his hand, signalling a eunuch to hit the gong. The ringing grasped everyone's complete attention. They all gawked at Weishan's bright red and gold outfit, symbolising happiness and luck for the festivities. The suitability for a day full of bloodshed was questionable.
”Princes, noblemen, farmers, labourers and others alike. I welcome you to the annual hunt of Shanhe!” Applause echoed throughout the area. ”Today there can only be one victor and that man will have the honour of his wish being granted. Whether it be a wife, riches or position in the Lotus Place, it can be yours to obtain. How? You must bring back the most impressive kill! But here my warning: do not be fooled. This is no ordinary hunt. Lurking in these woods are savage creatures and dangerous men but I will let you decide which is more viscous. The hunt will finish in the late afternoon, when the flower has fully bloomed and the gong rings at the final time.”
The emperor placed a silver, mechanical flower in front of him and winded its small lever. At first, the flower chimed and the bud opened a fraction. By the afternoon, the petals would fully bloom. ”Let the hunt begin!”
Another gong ring ignitied pure chaos. The crowd spooked the horses, the poorer men ran in frenzy towards the forest and onlookers of the hunt cheered. Three accidental deaths occurred from trampling within minutes. The emperor clapped his hands, enjoying the gruesome entertainment.
Joaolong and Disung restrained their horses and patiently waited for a clear path. Once the crowd dispersed, they prodded their horses to trot away. Disung sung loudly, annoying the emperor as they ventured into the forest. The song fit the theme of the hunt, telling tale about envy and murder.
~We lived in danger, untouched by woe.
Our blood ties distant as time flowed.
In the battles, you found riches while I found a lover.
Slowly, you grew envious of my plunder.
Over years we spilt blood but the worst was rather,
When you killed me, your own brother.~
The upbeat melody echoes around the trees. Days earlier, the first summer rain came. It had blessed the wilderness with nourishment and the greenery looked magnificent. A wonderful array of bright flowers bloomed and dew twinkled on every leaf. However, this beauty was a trap. It hid steep slopes, sudden cliffs and deep valleys. Animals weren't the only thing to fear in the hunt.